Access XP now shows form close button when Control Box set No



A few months ago, if the Control Box was set "No" then the Min Max and Close
buttons were not visible. I did this so that users of my app had to close my

I presume that some auto update has changed this because now the Close X
does not turn off when the Control Box is set "No" or the Close Button is set


Are you sure that you haven't changed a related property, eg.
BorderStyle? Remember that a number of those properties are considered
together, to work out what is in the title bar (or if there is a title

I very much doubt that this has changed from what it was before ...

TC (MVP Access)


These are my settings (mostly default) for most of the forms
pop ups have the same behavior

Default view - single form
Allow ? view - all yes
Scroll bars - neither
Record selectors - no
Navigation buttons - no
Dividing lines - yes
Auto resize - yes
Auto center - yes
Border style - sizable
Control box - no
What's this button - no
No difference if I have a picture background or not
GridX to the bottom of the list - default


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