Access Violation Releasing CComPtr<IAzAuthorizationStore>



I have a .NET remoting server that uses some unmanaged c++ under the
hood, and one portion of this is Authorization manager. I have a static
CComPtr<IAzAuthorizationStore> that sits around for me to do some
authorization checks from. When I stop the remoting application the
CComPtr tries to release the IAzAuthorizationStore interface when it
falls out of scope. I get an access violation way down in msxml3. Can
anyone give me some advice on how to work around this problem?

First-chance exception at 0x72e56c1d (msxml3.dll) in w3wp.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000020.

The following is a stack trace:
msxml3.dll!Base::_release() + 0x3134
msxml3.dll!HTMLWriter::Release() + 0xd
msxml3.dll!assign() + 0x42
msxml3.dll!_reference<WeakVector>::blush:perator=() + 0x11
msxml3.dll!Document::finalize() + 0x51
msxml3.dll!NonGCBase::_delete() + 0x42
msxml3.dll!NonGCBase::_release() + 0x4c56
msxml3.dll!Document::_release() + 0x8
msxml3.dll!Document::Release() + 0x35
msxml3.dll!release() + 0xc5f
msxml3.dll!__comexport::~__comexport() + 0x13
msxml3.dll!DOMDocumentWrapper::`vector deleting destructor'() +
msxml3.dll!DOMNode::Release() + 0x2c2
msxml3.dll!DOMDocumentWrapper::Release() + 0x11
azroles.dll!XMLPersistClose() + 0x11
azroles.dll!AzPersistClose() + 0x45
azroles.dll!_AzpAzStoreFree@4() + 0x11
azroles.dll!_ObFreeGenericObject@4() + 0x58
azroles.dll!_ObDereferenceObject@4() + 0x2b
azroles.dll!_AzCloseHandle@8() + 0xf0
azroles.dll!CAzApplication::~CAzApplication() + 0x24
deleting destructor'() + 0xd
azroles.dll!ATL::CComObject said:
LVAuthorizationManagerD.dll!ATL::CComPtrBase<IAzAuthorizationStore>::~CComPtrBase<IAzAuthorizationStore>() Line 128 + 0x12 C++

+ 0x16 C++
LVAuthorizationManagerD.dll!$E6() + 0xd C++
LVAuthorizationManagerD.dll!_CRT_INIT(void *
hDllHandle=0x0dea0000, unsigned long dwReason=0x00000000, void *
lpreserved=0x00000001) Line 234 C
LVAuthorizationManagerD.dll!_DllMainCRTStartup(void *
hDllHandle=0x0dea0000, unsigned long dwReason=0x00000000, void *
lpreserved=0x00000001) Line 288 + 0x11 C
ntdll.dll!_LdrpCallInitRoutine@16() + 0x14
ntdll.dll!_LdrShutdownProcess@0() + 0x121
kernel32.dll!__ExitProcess@4() + 0x3c
msvcrt.dll!___crtExitProcess() + 0x29
msvcrt.dll!__cinit() + 0xd3
msvcrt.dll!_exit() + 0x11
msvcrt.dll!_exit() + 0x11
w3wp.exe!_wmainCRTStartup() + 0x140
kernel32.dll!_BaseProcessStart@4() + 0x28

Thanks for your time,

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