Access to local drives/printers from workgroup LAN


Alvaro Mejia

Whatdo I have to do to be able to "see" the local drives and printers from
other computers un my peer to peer workgroup Local Area Network.


Enable file & print sharing
Easiest way is to run the network setup wizard, it will do all the heavy
lifting for you


Alvaro Mejia

I appreciate the suggestion, but it did not work. That is why I am asking.
Thank you, Roberto


If we knew what you had actually tried, error msgs recieved etc it would
Have you tried creating identical accounts with passwords on both
machines ?.



Have you set the drives and printers as shared?

If not Right click drive, select sharing and security and then share this

Bruce Chambers

Alvaro said:
Whatdo I have to do to be able to "see" the local drives and printers from
other computers un my peer to peer workgroup Local Area Network.

On each WinXP computer, create local user account(s), with
*non-blank* password(s), that have the desired access privileges to the
desired shares. Log on to the other PCs using those account(s), and you
will be able to access the designated shares, provided your network is
configured properly. Also, if running WinXP SP1 or later, make sure
that WinXP's built-in firewall is disabled on the internal LAN
connection. If using WinXP SP2, make sure that you've either disabled
the built-in firewall, or set the firewall to allow file and print sharing.

Usually, WinXP's Networking Wizard makes it simple and painless --
almost entirely automatic, in fact. There's a lot of useful,
easy-to-follow information in WinXP's Help & Support files, and here:

Home Networking

Networking Information

PracticallyNetworked Home

Steve Winograd's Networking FAQ


Bruce Chambers

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safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? .... I know not what course others may take, but as
for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry


i cannot get my printer to work when it ask for printer name i type in
lexmarkz25 it gives me options microsoft windows network and workgroup
niether works


i cannot get my printer to work when it ask for printer name i type in
lexmarkz25 it gives me options microsoft windows network and workgroup
niether works

It's not asking for the name of the printer as in Lexmark, Brother, HP or
whatever, it's asking for the NETWORK name of the printer.......

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