Access this computer from the network problem



I am working with a Windows XP Pro SP2 workgroup computer that a 2nd
computer needs to access files on. So, I go to Control Panel ->
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User
Rights Assignment and add Everyone to the "Access this computer from the
network" Policy. This works perfectly. For a while. It stops working
immediately when I reboot. Then my file sharing stops working. If I go back
to this Security Policy, it is blank for some reason. I can reset it to
Everyone and it works again for a while or until reboot. Then I have to set
it back to Everyone again. What in the world has happened to my security
settings? I don't even mind setting this policy every time I need it if
there is just an easier way like a batch file or a script or a program I can
use. I just hate having to go back through all the steps every time I want
to share files. Any help would be appreciated.


1) The folder should be added to Shared Resources
in Administrative Tools\Computer Management\Shared
Folders\Shared Resources. This can also be done in
the Folder Properties\Sharing\Share this folder\Permissions.
See this settings is complemented in the Security Tab.

2) In Admin Tools\Services and Apps.\Services\
check that the "Server" service is running and set to

3) This never fails: go to the C:\drive properties\Sharing\
New Shared Resource\type the folder path and set the
allowed users.

Just in case you need some more info....
How to configure file sharing in Windows XP;en-us;304040

------------Original Message-------------


Thanks Juan for that information. I double checked all of those settings and
they all match what you wrote in your message. I did find something that at
least works in a batch file: ntrights.exe from the resource kit. I can put:

ntrights +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u Everyone

Any idea why I have to run this after every restart?


By what the batch file reads, it's probably creating temporary access
to the Everyone group which means there's a security/permissions
issue preventing normal access. Following are a few links to check
your permission security settings.
Also check Services in Administration Tools and tweak with those
services related to communications in a local network, it could be a
necessary service is disabled which would cause the symptoms you

How to set, view, change, or remove file and folder permissions in Windows

How to set, view, change, or remove special permissions for files and
folders in Windows XP;en-us;308419

At times it's easyer and faster to access another computer by means
of a Short Cut, here is how to do it.;en-us;308416

These are a few services that come to mind which could
prevent a normal connection from being established.
many services are dependant on other ones, so you'll
have to check all those related to communications in the
Dependance tab and find if they should be running in your
particular setup.

Terminal Server Service
Network Connections
Computer Browser Service (not present on all installations)
If the Firewall (ICF) Service is enabled on the host computer
it could be blocking access, but again it may not.

hope this helps.

---------Original Message----------

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