access replica and client/server applications



Yesterday night I was not so happy 'cause, after working for a month
to convert my application from client.mde/server.mdb standard to
client.mde/server.mdb + replica, I realized an application too slow.

On LAN, the client (FrontEnd) is very slow to link to a server
(BackEnd) based on a file of access (*.mdb) replica (master).

Before replica convertion, the application opens in 1/2 seconds, and
now it takes up 3 minutes, and everty time make an operation, the
avarege time is so long...

Only if FrontEnd is located in the same pc of BackEnd, application
works with normal access time.

I have found in newsgroup (posted from Michael michka Kaplan) that
this situation can be based on shared resources/drive to deactivate.
I have tried in client-PC's (with WinXP) to remove sharing, but
nothing changes.

The application is based on Access.2003 (same FE that BE)

There are some ideas before I left replica to past?


M.L. Sco Scofield

All of the replication gurus, like Michael Kaplan, hang out in the
microsoft.public.access.replication group.

You'll probably have much better luck over in that group.

This group is kind of a catch-all for questions that don't fit into one of
the 25 other "topic specific" Access groups.

Good luck.


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