Access Query Right Align



Forgive you..???? For what, helping!! I am grateful for your help. I changed
the code, and I copied the name from the query and pasted it into the code to
make sure I got it exactly correct. Here is what that line says:

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

When I ran it, I got this message: 3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine
cannot find the input table or qury '[AP Payment Export]'. Make sure it
exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Gary Walter said:
I never use spaces in query/table names,
so forgive me if I forget to bracket..

change following code line
(put brackets around query name)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _


Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

that is...if query name is for sure "AP Payment Export"

save your code and compile again

if you put a question mark in front of the
function when you type in Immediate
Window, you will get "True" if it completes
properly, i.e., in Immediate Window, type


hopefully, you will get True w/change

Donna said:
I deleted the original modTest and created a new one. When I ran it, this
the message I received:

3265 Item not found in this collection.

Gary Walter said:
did you cut the attempt earlier
to run the function in the wrong

I typed in fExpAP_Pmt and hit enter and I got this error:

Compile error:
Ambiguous name detected: fExpAP_Pmt


this is all untested code...
plus, quick-and-dirty....

1) you can change "C:\xxx.txt" to a
for-sure path and filename...
be sure and save/compile again

if it wasn't q&d, one would input
this path/filename when call function,
then, code would test if it exists,
and if it does, ask user if wanted
to overwrite it or cancel....

but I don't even know if what is
there works, or if it works, does
what you want.

2) in the window where you entered
code for module, there usually is a
"bottom window" with a title bar of

if it is not there, then hit

<CTRL> G keys simultaneously

that's what they call the "Immediate Window"

3) if it works and does what you want

(all off top of my head, so probably
something wrong somewhere)

you could create a macro to run it,

or (recommended),
put a command button on a form
that runs it when clicked.

Thanks for the code!!!! I know you are busy, so if you can't help
let me know. I absolutely do not want to hinder you.

I have a couple of questions:

1. "C:\xxx.txt" - is this where I input the location of where I
txt tile to be exported?
2. I keyed in fExpAP_Pmt at the very bottom left hand corner of the
after I compiled, hit enter and nothing happened.
3. Can I set up a Macro to automatically run this module?


start a new module

copy and paste this function
into the new module

save module as "modTest"

in top menu, click on Compile..
from "Debug" drop-down

if all above went well,
test it by:

in Immediate Window at bottom
of window, type


and hit <ENTER> key

'***start code****
Option Explicit
Public Function fExpAP_Pmt() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExpAP_Pmt
Dim strPath As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim varCurFld As Variant

strPath = "C:\xxx.txt"

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _

With rst

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but your one field

'ssn-name 1 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![ssn-name] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'date 26 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![Date] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'v# 37 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![v#] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER3 43 3
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER3 & Space(3), 3)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'amt 46 9 <---RIGHT ALIGN
varCurFld = Right(Space(9) & rst!amt, 9)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER1 55 1
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER1 & Space(1), 1)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'case# 56 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![case#] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'charge 81 4
varCurFld = Left(rst!charge & Space(4), 4)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5A 85 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5A & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FREQ 90 2
varCurFld = Left(rst!FREQ & Space(2), 2)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER10 92 10
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER10 & Space(10), 10)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExpAP_Pmt = True

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExpAP_Pmt
End Function
'***end code***

Gary - The DataType is text for all fields. The field that needs
right-aligned is the "amt" field. I know this is asking a lot,
but I
really appreciate your help.


missing 1 requested field please

DataType FieldName Start Width

this will not involve a schema.ini file....
this will read in field values for a record,
then create *line* in code for that record,
then write that line to a text file....

if that's too complicated for you,
tell me now so I don't waste my
time please...

if not, it might also help me
if you could copy here a few lines
of the "badly aligned text file"


Gary - here is the specs for the export specification.
Everything I
about Access I taught myself, so all that 'language' you
be Greek. haha I appreciate your help.

If I understand correctly, you can create a schema.ini file
which I
in the folder where the export is to be placed and everythime
amount field will right align, right??

The name of the Query I am exporting is AP Payment Export if

Field Name Start Width
ssn-name 1 25
date 26 6
FILLER5 32 5
v# 37 6
FILLER3 43 3

Gary Walter

sorry, change it back (remove brackets),
then make the following change:
(FILLER5 instead of FILLERS)

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

should be

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5 & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

hopefully that will do it....:cool:

Donna said:
Here is what that line says:

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

When I ran it, I got this message: 3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine
cannot find the input table or qury '[AP Payment Export]'. Make sure it
exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Gary Walter said:
I never use spaces in query/table names,
so forgive me if I forget to bracket..

change following code line
(put brackets around query name)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _


Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

that is...if query name is for sure "AP Payment Export"

save your code and compile again

if you put a question mark in front of the
function when you type in Immediate
Window, you will get "True" if it completes
properly, i.e., in Immediate Window, type


hopefully, you will get True w/change

Donna said:
I deleted the original modTest and created a new one. When I ran it,
the message I received:

3265 Item not found in this collection.


did you cut the attempt earlier
to run the function in the wrong

I typed in fExpAP_Pmt and hit enter and I got this error:

Compile error:
Ambiguous name detected: fExpAP_Pmt


this is all untested code...
plus, quick-and-dirty....

1) you can change "C:\xxx.txt" to a
for-sure path and filename...
be sure and save/compile again

if it wasn't q&d, one would input
this path/filename when call function,
then, code would test if it exists,
and if it does, ask user if wanted
to overwrite it or cancel....

but I don't even know if what is
there works, or if it works, does
what you want.

2) in the window where you entered
code for module, there usually is a
"bottom window" with a title bar of

if it is not there, then hit

<CTRL> G keys simultaneously

that's what they call the "Immediate Window"

3) if it works and does what you want

(all off top of my head, so probably
something wrong somewhere)

you could create a macro to run it,

or (recommended),
put a command button on a form
that runs it when clicked.

Thanks for the code!!!! I know you are busy, so if you can't help
let me know. I absolutely do not want to hinder you.

I have a couple of questions:

1. "C:\xxx.txt" - is this where I input the location of where I
txt tile to be exported?
2. I keyed in fExpAP_Pmt at the very bottom left hand corner of
after I compiled, hit enter and nothing happened.
3. Can I set up a Macro to automatically run this module?


start a new module

copy and paste this function
into the new module

save module as "modTest"

in top menu, click on Compile..
from "Debug" drop-down

if all above went well,
test it by:

in Immediate Window at bottom
of window, type


and hit <ENTER> key

'***start code****
Option Explicit
Public Function fExpAP_Pmt() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExpAP_Pmt
Dim strPath As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim varCurFld As Variant

strPath = "C:\xxx.txt"

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _

With rst

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but your one field

'ssn-name 1 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![ssn-name] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'date 26 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![Date] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'v# 37 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![v#] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER3 43 3
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER3 & Space(3), 3)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'amt 46 9 <---RIGHT ALIGN
varCurFld = Right(Space(9) & rst!amt, 9)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER1 55 1
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER1 & Space(1), 1)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'case# 56 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![case#] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'charge 81 4
varCurFld = Left(rst!charge & Space(4), 4)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5A 85 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5A & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FREQ 90 2
varCurFld = Left(rst!FREQ & Space(2), 2)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER10 92 10
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER10 & Space(10), 10)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExpAP_Pmt = True

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExpAP_Pmt
End Function
'***end code***

Gary - The DataType is text for all fields. The field that
right-aligned is the "amt" field. I know this is asking a lot,
but I
really appreciate your help.


missing 1 requested field please

DataType FieldName Start Width

this will not involve a schema.ini file....
this will read in field values for a record,
then create *line* in code for that record,
then write that line to a text file....

if that's too complicated for you,
tell me now so I don't waste my
time please...

if not, it might also help me
if you could copy here a few lines
of the "badly aligned text file"


Gary - here is the specs for the export specification.
Everything I
about Access I taught myself, so all that 'language' you
be Greek. haha I appreciate your help.

If I understand correctly, you can create a schema.ini
which I
in the folder where the export is to be placed and
amount field will right align, right??

The name of the Query I am exporting is AP Payment Export

Field Name Start Width
ssn-name 1 25
date 26 6
FILLER5 32 5
v# 37 6
FILLER3 43 3


It said "True"....... woohoo!!!! Now, I just need to come up with a way to
export it to my specific drive, and replace the current file, if any, right?
How can I look at the results?


Gary Walter said:
sorry, change it back (remove brackets),
then make the following change:
(FILLER5 instead of FILLERS)

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

should be

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5 & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

hopefully that will do it....:cool:

Donna said:
Here is what that line says:

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

When I ran it, I got this message: 3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine
cannot find the input table or qury '[AP Payment Export]'. Make sure it
exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Gary Walter said:
I never use spaces in query/table names,
so forgive me if I forget to bracket..

change following code line
(put brackets around query name)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _


Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

that is...if query name is for sure "AP Payment Export"

save your code and compile again

if you put a question mark in front of the
function when you type in Immediate
Window, you will get "True" if it completes
properly, i.e., in Immediate Window, type


hopefully, you will get True w/change

I deleted the original modTest and created a new one. When I ran it,
the message I received:

3265 Item not found in this collection.


did you cut the attempt earlier
to run the function in the wrong

I typed in fExpAP_Pmt and hit enter and I got this error:

Compile error:
Ambiguous name detected: fExpAP_Pmt


this is all untested code...
plus, quick-and-dirty....

1) you can change "C:\xxx.txt" to a
for-sure path and filename...
be sure and save/compile again

if it wasn't q&d, one would input
this path/filename when call function,
then, code would test if it exists,
and if it does, ask user if wanted
to overwrite it or cancel....

but I don't even know if what is
there works, or if it works, does
what you want.

2) in the window where you entered
code for module, there usually is a
"bottom window" with a title bar of

if it is not there, then hit

<CTRL> G keys simultaneously

that's what they call the "Immediate Window"

3) if it works and does what you want

(all off top of my head, so probably
something wrong somewhere)

you could create a macro to run it,

or (recommended),
put a command button on a form
that runs it when clicked.

Thanks for the code!!!! I know you are busy, so if you can't help
let me know. I absolutely do not want to hinder you.

I have a couple of questions:

1. "C:\xxx.txt" - is this where I input the location of where I
txt tile to be exported?
2. I keyed in fExpAP_Pmt at the very bottom left hand corner of
after I compiled, hit enter and nothing happened.
3. Can I set up a Macro to automatically run this module?


start a new module

copy and paste this function
into the new module

save module as "modTest"

in top menu, click on Compile..
from "Debug" drop-down

if all above went well,
test it by:

in Immediate Window at bottom
of window, type


and hit <ENTER> key

'***start code****
Option Explicit
Public Function fExpAP_Pmt() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExpAP_Pmt
Dim strPath As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim varCurFld As Variant

strPath = "C:\xxx.txt"

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _

With rst

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but your one field

'ssn-name 1 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![ssn-name] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'date 26 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![Date] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'v# 37 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![v#] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER3 43 3
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER3 & Space(3), 3)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'amt 46 9 <---RIGHT ALIGN
varCurFld = Right(Space(9) & rst!amt, 9)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER1 55 1
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER1 & Space(1), 1)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'case# 56 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![case#] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'charge 81 4
varCurFld = Left(rst!charge & Space(4), 4)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5A 85 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5A & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FREQ 90 2
varCurFld = Left(rst!FREQ & Space(2), 2)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER10 92 10
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER10 & Space(10), 10)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExpAP_Pmt = True

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExpAP_Pmt
End Function
'***end code***

Gary - The DataType is text for all fields. The field that
right-aligned is the "amt" field. I know this is asking a lot,
but I
really appreciate your help.


missing 1 requested field please

DataType FieldName Start Width

this will not involve a schema.ini file....
this will read in field values for a record,
then create *line* in code for that record,
then write that line to a text file....

if that's too complicated for you,
tell me now so I don't waste my
time please...

if not, it might also help me
if you could copy here a few lines
of the "badly aligned text file"


Sorry, It put it in the correct file and it looks GREAT!!!!!! I can't tell
you how much you have helped me. If you ever need anything (tax related,
definitely NOT VB) contact me.

Donna D. Driver
Tax Manager
ph: 615-231-2822
fax: 615-231-2505
Captain D's, LLC
1717 Elm Hill Pike, Ste A-1
Nashville, TN 37210

Gary Walter said:
sorry, change it back (remove brackets),
then make the following change:
(FILLER5 instead of FILLERS)

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

should be

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5 & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

hopefully that will do it....:cool:

Donna said:
Here is what that line says:

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

When I ran it, I got this message: 3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine
cannot find the input table or qury '[AP Payment Export]'. Make sure it
exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Gary Walter said:
I never use spaces in query/table names,
so forgive me if I forget to bracket..

change following code line
(put brackets around query name)

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _


Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("[AP Payment Export]", _

that is...if query name is for sure "AP Payment Export"

save your code and compile again

if you put a question mark in front of the
function when you type in Immediate
Window, you will get "True" if it completes
properly, i.e., in Immediate Window, type


hopefully, you will get True w/change

I deleted the original modTest and created a new one. When I ran it,
the message I received:

3265 Item not found in this collection.


did you cut the attempt earlier
to run the function in the wrong

I typed in fExpAP_Pmt and hit enter and I got this error:

Compile error:
Ambiguous name detected: fExpAP_Pmt


this is all untested code...
plus, quick-and-dirty....

1) you can change "C:\xxx.txt" to a
for-sure path and filename...
be sure and save/compile again

if it wasn't q&d, one would input
this path/filename when call function,
then, code would test if it exists,
and if it does, ask user if wanted
to overwrite it or cancel....

but I don't even know if what is
there works, or if it works, does
what you want.

2) in the window where you entered
code for module, there usually is a
"bottom window" with a title bar of

if it is not there, then hit

<CTRL> G keys simultaneously

that's what they call the "Immediate Window"

3) if it works and does what you want

(all off top of my head, so probably
something wrong somewhere)

you could create a macro to run it,

or (recommended),
put a command button on a form
that runs it when clicked.

Thanks for the code!!!! I know you are busy, so if you can't help
let me know. I absolutely do not want to hinder you.

I have a couple of questions:

1. "C:\xxx.txt" - is this where I input the location of where I
txt tile to be exported?
2. I keyed in fExpAP_Pmt at the very bottom left hand corner of
after I compiled, hit enter and nothing happened.
3. Can I set up a Macro to automatically run this module?


start a new module

copy and paste this function
into the new module

save module as "modTest"

in top menu, click on Compile..
from "Debug" drop-down

if all above went well,
test it by:

in Immediate Window at bottom
of window, type


and hit <ENTER> key

'***start code****
Option Explicit
Public Function fExpAP_Pmt() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExpAP_Pmt
Dim strPath As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim varCurFld As Variant

strPath = "C:\xxx.txt"

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("AP Payment Export", _

With rst

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but your one field

'ssn-name 1 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![ssn-name] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'date 26 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![Date] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5 32 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLERS & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'v# 37 6
varCurFld = Left(rst![v#] & Space(6), 6)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER3 43 3
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER3 & Space(3), 3)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'amt 46 9 <---RIGHT ALIGN
varCurFld = Right(Space(9) & rst!amt, 9)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER1 55 1
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER1 & Space(1), 1)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'case# 56 25
varCurFld = Left(rst![case#] & Space(25), 25)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'charge 81 4
varCurFld = Left(rst!charge & Space(4), 4)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER5A 85 5
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER5A & Space(5), 5)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FREQ 90 2
varCurFld = Left(rst!FREQ & Space(2), 2)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'FILLER10 92 10
varCurFld = Left(rst!FILLER10 & Space(10), 10)
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExpAP_Pmt = True

Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExpAP_Pmt
End Function
'***end code***

Gary - The DataType is text for all fields. The field that
right-aligned is the "amt" field. I know this is asking a lot,
but I
really appreciate your help.


missing 1 requested field please

DataType FieldName Start Width

this will not involve a schema.ini file....
this will read in field values for a record,
then create *line* in code for that record,
then write that line to a text file....

if that's too complicated for you,
tell me now so I don't waste my
time please...

if not, it might also help me
if you could copy here a few lines
of the "badly aligned text file"

Gary Walter

great! want to try something else?

do you remember what you named your
original export specification (it would
be in tblSaveIMEX.SpecName)?

you created 2 tables earlier using
following queries:

MSysIMEXColumns AS M

MSysImexSpecs AS I;

Add a field to "tblSaveIMEXColumns"
'"RightAlign" Yes/No, default 0

then change RightAlign to -1
for column(s) wanted right-aligned

then, paste following code into
your module:

'***start code***
Public Function fExportSpec(pPath As String, _
pQryName As String, _
pSpec As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExportSpec
Dim strPath As String
Dim rstQry As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstSpec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim strFldName As String
Dim lngWidth As Long
Dim varCurFld As Variant

'test example:
'to save "qryTestExport"
'to file "C:\newxx.txt"
'using Export Specification "testspec"
'in Immediate Window, type

'NOTE: Code below does not test for valid parameters!
' Probably good idea to add that.
strPath = pPath

Set rstQry = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pQryName, dbOpenSnapshot)

strSQL = "SELECT C.FieldName, C.Start, C.Width, RightAlign " _
& "FROM tblSaveIMEX AS I " _
& "INNER JOIN tblSaveIMEXColumns AS C " _
& "ON I.SpecID = C.SpecID " _
& "WHERE i.SpecName = '" & pSpec & "' " _
& "ORDER BY C.Start"
Set rstSpec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

With rstQry

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but field(s)
'where wanted RightAlign
With rstSpec
Do While Not .EOF
strFldName = !FieldName
lngWidth = !Width
varCurFld = rstQry(strFldName)
If !rightalign = 0 Then
varCurFld = Left(varCurFld _
& Space(lngWidth), lngWidth)
varCurFld = Right(Space(lngWidth) _
& varCurFld, lngWidth)
End If
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

End With

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExportSpec = True

Set rstQry = Nothing
Set rstSpec = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExportSpec
End Function
'***end code***

save and compile.

Create a new form
(click on "Create form in Design View")

Add a command button to close the
form using wizard...
(select command button icon in toolbar,
double-click on form,
in wizard, choose
Form Operations/Close Form,
click Next,
choose Text radio button,
click Next,
type in "cmdClose" for meaningful name,
then click Finish)

While your new command button
is selected, in upper menu


Right-mouse click on new button
and choose "Properties"

Under "All" tab, change Name and Caption

Name ....cmdExportAP
Caption..Export AP to Text File

further down in Properties,
double-click in white space
beside "On Click"

you should now have "[Event Procedure]"
in white space, with little box to the right
of the white space.

click on that box (with 3 dots)

You now should be in VBA window
with cursor blinking in middle of

Private Sub cmdExportAP_Click()

End Sub

"in the middle," paste following code

'***start code***
On Error GoTo Err_cmdExportAP_Click
Dim varResponse As Variant
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strQryName As String
Dim strSpec As String

strMsg = "Do you wish to export AP Pmts to text file?"
varResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel)
If varResponse = vbCancel Then
' User chose to Cancel
MsgBox "You chose to cancel export."
GoTo Exit_cmdExportAP_Click
'do it
strMsg = "Please enter full export path " _
& "and filename (C:\xxx.txt)"
strPath = InputBox(strMsg, "Export", strPath)

strQryName = "AP Payment Export"
strSpec = "??????"

'run export
If fExportSpec(strPath, strQryName, strSpec) = True Then
MsgBox "Successfully exported to " & strPath
MsgBox "Export Failed!"
End If

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdExportAP_Click
'***end code***

replace "??????" with actual name of spec in line

strSpec = "??????"

Save and compile.

Save form and open, click on button.

Now you know how to add this button
to any form (I assume you don't really
need this separate form).


First of all, you have been so kind and patient, I just hate to keep
bothering you; I know you are very busy.

Ok, I know I am sounding pretty dumb, but I didn't create any files before,
I just copied the export specification info, which only listed the info I
gave you. I don't know what "tblSaveIMEXColumns" is (sorry). I do need to
come up with a way to actually run the process, which it appears you have
some code her to do that, but I don't know what to do with it.

Gary Walter said:
great! want to try something else?

do you remember what you named your
original export specification (it would
be in tblSaveIMEX.SpecName)?

you created 2 tables earlier using
following queries:

MSysIMEXColumns AS M

MSysImexSpecs AS I;

Add a field to "tblSaveIMEXColumns"
'"RightAlign" Yes/No, default 0

then change RightAlign to -1
for column(s) wanted right-aligned

then, paste following code into
your module:

'***start code***
Public Function fExportSpec(pPath As String, _
pQryName As String, _
pSpec As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExportSpec
Dim strPath As String
Dim rstQry As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstSpec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim strFldName As String
Dim lngWidth As Long
Dim varCurFld As Variant

'test example:
'to save "qryTestExport"
'to file "C:\newxx.txt"
'using Export Specification "testspec"
'in Immediate Window, type

'NOTE: Code below does not test for valid parameters!
' Probably good idea to add that.
strPath = pPath

Set rstQry = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pQryName, dbOpenSnapshot)

strSQL = "SELECT C.FieldName, C.Start, C.Width, RightAlign " _
& "FROM tblSaveIMEX AS I " _
& "INNER JOIN tblSaveIMEXColumns AS C " _
& "ON I.SpecID = C.SpecID " _
& "WHERE i.SpecName = '" & pSpec & "' " _
& "ORDER BY C.Start"
Set rstSpec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

With rstQry

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but field(s)
'where wanted RightAlign
With rstSpec
Do While Not .EOF
strFldName = !FieldName
lngWidth = !Width
varCurFld = rstQry(strFldName)
If !rightalign = 0 Then
varCurFld = Left(varCurFld _
& Space(lngWidth), lngWidth)
varCurFld = Right(Space(lngWidth) _
& varCurFld, lngWidth)
End If
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

End With

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExportSpec = True

Set rstQry = Nothing
Set rstSpec = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExportSpec
End Function
'***end code***

save and compile.

Create a new form
(click on "Create form in Design View")

Add a command button to close the
form using wizard...
(select command button icon in toolbar,
double-click on form,
in wizard, choose
Form Operations/Close Form,
click Next,
choose Text radio button,
click Next,
type in "cmdClose" for meaningful name,
then click Finish)

While your new command button
is selected, in upper menu


Right-mouse click on new button
and choose "Properties"

Under "All" tab, change Name and Caption

Name ....cmdExportAP
Caption..Export AP to Text File

further down in Properties,
double-click in white space
beside "On Click"

you should now have "[Event Procedure]"
in white space, with little box to the right
of the white space.

click on that box (with 3 dots)

You now should be in VBA window
with cursor blinking in middle of

Private Sub cmdExportAP_Click()

End Sub

"in the middle," paste following code

'***start code***
On Error GoTo Err_cmdExportAP_Click
Dim varResponse As Variant
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strQryName As String
Dim strSpec As String

strMsg = "Do you wish to export AP Pmts to text file?"
varResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel)
If varResponse = vbCancel Then
' User chose to Cancel
MsgBox "You chose to cancel export."
GoTo Exit_cmdExportAP_Click
'do it
strMsg = "Please enter full export path " _
& "and filename (C:\xxx.txt)"
strPath = InputBox(strMsg, "Export", strPath)

strQryName = "AP Payment Export"
strSpec = "??????"

'run export
If fExportSpec(strPath, strQryName, strSpec) = True Then
MsgBox "Successfully exported to " & strPath
MsgBox "Export Failed!"
End If

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdExportAP_Click
'***end code***

replace "??????" with actual name of spec in line

strSpec = "??????"

Save and compile.

Save form and open, click on button.

Now you know how to add this button
to any form (I assume you don't really
need this separate form).

Gary Walter

in Database Window
(the one with "Objects" down
the left side),
click on "Queries" in Objects list,
then click on
"Create query in Design view"
in "Show Table" dialog, click on Close.

In upper left menu, click on "SQL"

delete "SELECT;"

paste in one of the queries I typed
out for you

then click on red exclamation mark
to run it

then delete everything,
paste in other query I typed
out for you

then click on red exclamation mark
to run it

You now should have 2 new tables

if so, no need to save query

Donna said:
First of all, you have been so kind and patient, I just hate to keep
bothering you; I know you are very busy.

Ok, I know I am sounding pretty dumb, but I didn't create any files
I just copied the export specification info, which only listed the info I
gave you. I don't know what "tblSaveIMEXColumns" is (sorry). I do need to
come up with a way to actually run the process, which it appears you have
some code her to do that, but I don't know what to do with it.

Gary Walter said:
great! want to try something else?

do you remember what you named your
original export specification (it would
be in tblSaveIMEX.SpecName)?

you created 2 tables earlier using
following queries:

MSysIMEXColumns AS M

MSysImexSpecs AS I;

Add a field to "tblSaveIMEXColumns"
'"RightAlign" Yes/No, default 0

then change RightAlign to -1
for column(s) wanted right-aligned

then, paste following code into
your module:

'***start code***
Public Function fExportSpec(pPath As String, _
pQryName As String, _
pSpec As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fExportSpec
Dim strPath As String
Dim rstQry As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstSpec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim hFile As Long
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim strFldName As String
Dim lngWidth As Long
Dim varCurFld As Variant

'test example:
'to save "qryTestExport"
'to file "C:\newxx.txt"
'using Export Specification "testspec"
'in Immediate Window, type

'NOTE: Code below does not test for valid parameters!
' Probably good idea to add that.
strPath = pPath

Set rstQry = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pQryName, dbOpenSnapshot)

strSQL = "SELECT C.FieldName, C.Start, C.Width, RightAlign " _
& "FROM tblSaveIMEX AS I " _
& "INNER JOIN tblSaveIMEXColumns AS C " _
& "ON I.SpecID = C.SpecID " _
& "WHERE i.SpecName = '" & pSpec & "' " _
& "ORDER BY C.Start"
Set rstSpec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

'First get a new file handle
hFile = FreeFile

'Open the strPath to write the text
Open strPath For Output As hFile

With rstQry

Do While (Not .EOF)
strTextLine = ""
'collect field values into strTextLine
'in order/width per IMEX Spec;
'left-align all but field(s)
'where wanted RightAlign
With rstSpec
Do While Not .EOF
strFldName = !FieldName
lngWidth = !Width
varCurFld = rstQry(strFldName)
If !rightalign = 0 Then
varCurFld = Left(varCurFld _
& Space(lngWidth), lngWidth)
varCurFld = Right(Space(lngWidth) _
& varCurFld, lngWidth)
End If
strTextLine = strTextLine & varCurFld

End With

'print the collected string to textfile
Print #hFile, strTextLine

'get next record

End With

Close hFile ' Close file.


fExportSpec = True

Set rstQry = Nothing
Set rstSpec = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fExportSpec
End Function
'***end code***

save and compile.

Create a new form
(click on "Create form in Design View")

Add a command button to close the
form using wizard...
(select command button icon in toolbar,
double-click on form,
in wizard, choose
Form Operations/Close Form,
click Next,
choose Text radio button,
click Next,
type in "cmdClose" for meaningful name,
then click Finish)

While your new command button
is selected, in upper menu


Right-mouse click on new button
and choose "Properties"

Under "All" tab, change Name and Caption

Name ....cmdExportAP
Caption..Export AP to Text File

further down in Properties,
double-click in white space
beside "On Click"

you should now have "[Event Procedure]"
in white space, with little box to the right
of the white space.

click on that box (with 3 dots)

You now should be in VBA window
with cursor blinking in middle of

Private Sub cmdExportAP_Click()

End Sub

"in the middle," paste following code

'***start code***
On Error GoTo Err_cmdExportAP_Click
Dim varResponse As Variant
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strQryName As String
Dim strSpec As String

strMsg = "Do you wish to export AP Pmts to text file?"
varResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel)
If varResponse = vbCancel Then
' User chose to Cancel
MsgBox "You chose to cancel export."
GoTo Exit_cmdExportAP_Click
'do it
strMsg = "Please enter full export path " _
& "and filename (C:\xxx.txt)"
strPath = InputBox(strMsg, "Export", strPath)

strQryName = "AP Payment Export"
strSpec = "??????"

'run export
If fExportSpec(strPath, strQryName, strSpec) = True Then
MsgBox "Successfully exported to " & strPath
MsgBox "Export Failed!"
End If

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdExportAP_Click
'***end code***

replace "??????" with actual name of spec in line

strSpec = "??????"

Save and compile.

Save form and open, click on button.

Now you know how to add this button
to any form (I assume you don't really
need this separate form).

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