Access Page Properties from Within Custom Control?


Mark Olbert

I've written a custom control that relies heavily on LinkButton

LinkButton controls don't behave properly under Netscape, but there's
a simple patch/fix that involves registering some javascript code onto
any page that uses LinkButtons.

I'd like to design the custom control itself to register that
javascript code, but the only way I know how to register javascript
code require a valid Page reference...and I can't seem to find what
method or event gets called in the framework at a point where the Page
is valid (i.e., not null).

Can anyone advise me on whether it's possible for a control to
"self-register" code on a page? I must be missing something obvious...

- Mark


Hi Mark,

If your custom control inherits from System.Web.UI.UserControl, it will has
a property named "page", which returns a reference to the Page instance
that contains the custom control. You can register the script with this
Page instance.

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Mark Olbert


Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I am aware of that Page property, but for all of the events/method
calls I've looked into within the Custom Control framework, it's null when I access it (e.g., during
the OnLoad() call).

Put another way, what I need to know is at what stage of the life cycle of the control its Page
property actually points at the page object.

- Mark


Hi Mark,

Here is the scenario I tested:

I have a web application project including a web form and an web
usercontrol (.ascx). I add following code in the usercontrol:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here

Dim scriptString As String = "<script language=JavaScript> "
scriptString += "alert('Welcome to Microsoft .NET') "
scriptString += "</script>"

Me.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("clientScript", scriptString)

End Sub

And then add this control to my webform. It worked well and the script was
executed on client browser.

Is there any difference with your situation?

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Hello Mark,

If my suggestion is not clear or you didn't think it can resolve the
problem, please post your comments here. I will continue to follow up on
this issue.


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