Access Form backgound color



Hello everyone.
I am trying to create a report from a form in Access. When I created the
form I used autoformat and applied the Sumi Painting theme to the form.

The problem I am having is that I do not want the background color to be in
the report. I have tried to (1) change the background color in the report
properties (and form properties for that matter) and it will not change. (2)
I tried to change the Back/Fill color to transparent but it will not let me -
can't choose the option. I (3) even went as far as to delete the theme from
my autoformat options but that didn't work either (and now I can't get it
back). Any ideas/help? Anything you can offer is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!


Look at the properties of the report and look for one called Picture. Delete
whatever it's set to.


Dear John

You are a genius - thank you!!!


JohnFol said:
Look at the properties of the report and look for one called Picture. Delete
whatever it's set to.

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