Access denied using "subst"



I'm receiving always the message "access denied" when I use the "subst"
command, as a single command or inside a batch file. All the times I'm in
the (standalone) system as administrator. Why this?
I'm using WinXP Professional.


I don't undestand your question: I'm only trying to use the "subst" command
to create virtual disks referring to directories.

David H. Lipman

Provide the syntax you are using and provide information about the subdirectory you are
creating a virtual drive letter for.

For example, how many directories deep ins the sub-directory and/or how many characters are
in the directories path, etc...


| I don't undestand your question: I'm only trying to use the "subst" command
| to create virtual disks referring to directories.
| Giovanni
| "Mark" <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio
| | > What are you entering for the SUBST command?
| >
| > GRL wrote:
| >
| > > I'm receiving always the message "access denied" when I use the "subst"
| > > command, as a single command or inside a batch file. All the times I'm
| in
| > > the (standalone) system as administrator. Why this?
| > > I'm using WinXP Professional.
| > > Thanks.
| > > Giovanni
| > >
| > >


The problem is more basic: even if I input "subst" (to show the virtual
drives, if there are) I receive the message "access denied". I repeat: I'm
in my system (WinXP Pro) as administrator.
Thanks to all, anyway.

David H. Lipman

You mean you can't even execute the command as an ACCESS DENIED error message is generated ?


| The problem is more basic: even if I input "subst" (to show the virtual
| drives, if there are) I receive the message "access denied". I repeat: I'm
| in my system (WinXP Pro) as administrator.
| Thanks to all, anyway.
| Giovanni
| "David H. Lipman" <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio
| | > Provide the syntax you are using and provide information about the
| subdirectory you are
| > creating a virtual drive letter for.
| >
| > For example, how many directories deep ins the sub-directory and/or how
| many characters are
| > in the directories path, etc...
| >
| > Dave
| >
| >
| >
| | > | I don't undestand your question: I'm only trying to use the "subst"
| command
| > | to create virtual disks referring to directories.
| > | Giovanni
| > | "Mark" <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio
| > | | > | > What are you entering for the SUBST command?
| > | >
| > | > GRL wrote:
| > | >
| > | > > I'm receiving always the message "access denied" when I use the
| "subst"
| > | > > command, as a single command or inside a batch file. All the times
| I'm
| > | in
| > | > > the (standalone) system as administrator. Why this?
| > | > > I'm using WinXP Professional.
| > | > > Thanks.
| > | > > Giovanni
| > | > >
| > | > >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >


What syntax are you using?

Here is what I did in WinXP Pro SP1a for a test:

C:\>md c:\test

C:\>subst x: c:\test

X:\: => C:\test

If you are logging into Windows XP as 'Administrator', I would recommend
using a user account with Administrative privileges.

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