Access Denied on windows update



I keep getting the following error:
Network policy settings prevent you from using Windows
Update to download and install updates on your computer.

If you believe you have received this message in error,
please check with your system administrator.

I've checked the registry and group policies and can't
seem to find what is wrong. I'm able to update on other
computers, just not this server.


I had this happen when trying to update a NAS device
(Network Attached Storage). These appliances use a
stripped down version of the Windows OS and cannot use the
updates so they are locked out. Is it a Dell server by

The version of OS they use is called the SAK (Storage
Appliance Kit). You can check it out on MS Technet.



Are you sign on as the Administrator? If not, do you have
group policy permissions to install software on that
server? Check with your System Administrator.


Yes, I have SA rights. We even have the problem when our
Domain Admins is logged into this one system.

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