Access: Create a macro to format a table field to currency?



How can I create a macro that will change a field, within a table, format
from text to currency? The field is created by a query expression that
defaults to text.

Steve Schapel


Do you mean you have a Make-Table Query that makes a table, and then the
field in question ends up being text data type where you want it to be

One approach here, which I think is what I would normally do, is to have
the table set up to my requirements, and then use a combination of a
Delete Query followed by an Append Query put the data in, rather than a
Make-Table Query. That gives you more control.

The second choice would be to use the appropriate function in the query
itself to make sure it is outputting numerical data not text. I would
need to see the existing query expression that you are using, presumably
in a calculated field, before I could give specific advice.

It is possible to look at using DDL queries to modify the table after it
is created, but for me this would be a last resort.

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