access color printing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


Troubles printing reports in Access 2007. When the default printer is a B/W
printer, selecting a color printer in the print dialog of a report produces
color output, as expected. However, when the default printer is a color
printer, only B/W prints are produced. This is true for my color laserprinter
(that prints color in any other office application), but also for CutePDF eg.
I've had a similar issue with an HP bubble jet -

I found that I got balck&white in draft & someother mode (can't remember!)
but got colour if I chose a more enhanced mode - eg 'best'.
Paul said:
Troubles printing reports in Access 2007. When the default printer is a
printer, selecting a color printer in the print dialog of a report
color output, as expected. However, when the default printer is a color
printer, only B/W prints are produced. This is true for my color
(that prints color in any other office application), but also for CutePDF