Access coding password



Previously i did write an application in ms access 2000 and i did put
password in the coding session. So whenever i want to modify code i
have to enter password in the Ms VB windows. But i forget the
password. Are there any ways to retrieve it? Thanks



Yes, do a Google Search for "Password Recovery", there are loads of
programmes that will crack passwords in Word, Excel and Access, a lot will
require you purchase the programme but there are some freeware versions out

hth Mike B
Advice to Posters.
Mark as answered when completed.

Check your post for replies or request for more information.

Have the COURTESY to send an ending note even if the answer didn''t work.



Regarding your statement "Mark as answered when completed", you should know
that this is only possible for people who use the MS Web Portal to post
questions. In this case, Daniel, the original poster, did not use the Web
Interface to post his question. The way that one can easily tell is that
threads that show a small brown circle with a white question mark, in the
first posting, have been made using the MS Web Portal. Daniel's question does
not include this symbol.

For those who might be reading this message using any other newsreader, such
as Outlook Express, and wondering what this brown circle with the white
question mark business is all about, here is a link to the original question,
as shown in the web portal:

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Tom, thanks for your comments,
Yes I was aware that not all posters see the statement "Has this answered
your question" As it wasn't the main cause for my comment, I have deleted the
comment as you will now see.
I mainly wanted some feed back as to the conclusion of the thread but I am
sure a few posters can't find the thread once it goes past the first page

All the very best Tom

Mike B


Yes, do a Google Search for "Password Recovery", there are loads of
programmes that will crack passwords in Word, Excel and Access, a lot will
require you purchase the programme but there are some freeware versions out

hth Mike B
Advice to Posters.
Mark as answered when completed.

Check your post for replies or request for more information.

Have the COURTESY to send an ending note even if the answer didn''t work.

- Show quoted text -

Hi Mike, have you used any password recovery s/w before ? I just need
to crack this application only so it would be not worth to purchase
the programme. Or if the software can give partial password recovery
would be fine. Thanks

P.S : Regarding the brown circle, i don't know what is it but i'm
using IE7 to post this.



Hi Daniel

I'm really sorry I didn't see your further posting until today.

Yes, many years ago I have had occasion to use Password Recovery for both
Access and Excel, I had to download two different programmes to do and I know
there are some programmes which do all. However, I am sure if you try Google
for Freware Password Recovery or Password Recovery Free Downloads or
variations on this there should be some programmes available. I will have a
look and post a link if I can find one.

All the very best and don't worry about the circle, my comment was aimed at
trying to get some feed back from postings rather than getting a tick in a
box so I have adjusted my comment. Its just a little frustrating to offer
assistance and it appear that the thread has never been viewed again. I use
this forum for my own benefit as well as others, I test out most solutions so
I am learning all the time. I don't profess to be anything other than an
amature at this but it is nice to know if something has worked out or not.

The very best regards

Mike B

raskew via

You know, every time this question comes up, there's a whole lot of tap
dancing that goes on. Fact is that these password crackers have been in the
public domain for years and years. Just got to know where to search. It's
trial and error. Daniel, allow me to put you out of your of misery. Do a
Google on:


This is not secret stuff. It's out there.


Hi Daniel

I'm really sorry I didn't see your further posting until today.

Yes, many years ago I have had occasion to use Password Recovery for both
Access and Excel, I had to download two different programmes to do and I know
there are some programmes which do all. However, I am sure if you try Google
for Freware Password Recovery or Password Recovery Free Downloads or
variations on this there should be some programmes available. I will have a
look and post a link if I can find one.

All the very best and don't worry about the circle, my comment was aimed at
trying to get some feed back from postings rather than getting a tick in a
box so I have adjusted my comment. Its just a little frustrating to offer
assistance and it appear that the thread has never been viewed again. I use
this forum for my own benefit as well as others, I test out most solutions so
I am learning all the time. I don't profess to be anything other than an
amature at this but it is nice to know if something has worked out or not.

The very best regards

Mike B
On Mar 4, 3:01 pm, MikeJohnB <[email protected]>
[quoted text clipped - 32 lines]


Hi again Daniel

I have downloaded and proved the following

I set up a database, opened it exclusively went to tools | Security | Set
Database Password and eneterd a compound password consisting of words and
numbers, the programme was so quick, I missed the fact that it had cracked
the password.

Please give it a try and let me know if you're ok now?

The very best regards

Mike B


Hi again Daniel

I have downloaded and proved the following

I set up a database, opened it exclusively went to tools | Security | Set
Database Password and eneterd a compound password consisting of words and
numbers, the programme was so quick, I missed the fact that it had cracked
the password.

Please give it a try and let me know if you're ok now?

The very best regards

Mike B
Advice to Posters.
Check your post for replies or request for more information.
Consider providing some feed back to the response you have recieved.
Kindest Regards Mike B

- Show quoted text -

Hi Mike, the password i want to crack is the coding password in Ms
Access design view interface where i can change the coding and
interface design. It is where we protect the coding. Not the database
password. Maybe i mentioned not clear enough.



There are VBA password recovery tools available, most I have found report to
be free but are in fact only free as demo versions which only crack the first
2 characters.

Suggest you Google for Free VBA Password recovery

hope this get you out of the preverbial

Mike B


Hi Mike, any of the Free VBA password recovery software you been used or
known ? even it is 2 characters it is fine.



Hi Daniel

I have spent 6 hours on the net tonight looking for password recovery for
Access VBA, as yet I have not found a programme which will crack the vba
password. I have found many programmes which will crack the user password
either all of it or the first two letters. However, a lot of these don't
recognise that there is a VBA password applied.

There are some programmes which will tell you that it is protected but then
want anything from $19 to $300 for the full version.

I will kepp looking over the next day or so but as yet I have drawn a blank.

I suggest you try a re-post but spell out that it is the VBA password you
want to recover, there may be someone who knows of software which is freely

I now have that many password crackers on my pc, I cant find anything else.

If you look for VBA Crackers, make sure it is for Access.

Sorry cant help further but I will post back here if I find anything.

Mike B


ok Mike thanks i'll give it a try.


MikeJohnB said:
Hi Daniel

I have spent 6 hours on the net tonight looking for password recovery for
Access VBA, as yet I have not found a programme which will crack the vba
password. I have found many programmes which will crack the user password
either all of it or the first two letters. However, a lot of these don't
recognise that there is a VBA password applied.

There are some programmes which will tell you that it is protected but
want anything from $19 to $300 for the full version.

I will kepp looking over the next day or so but as yet I have drawn a

I suggest you try a re-post but spell out that it is the VBA password you
want to recover, there may be someone who knows of software which is

I now have that many password crackers on my pc, I cant find anything

If you look for VBA Crackers, make sure it is for Access.

Sorry cant help further but I will post back here if I find anything.

Mike B
Advice to Posters.
Check your post for replies or request for more information.
Consider providing some feed back to the response you have recieved.
Kindest Regards Mike B

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