Access bloat problem



I am working on a Access database that gets extremely large whenever the user
chooses an option that is provided to relink the SQL tables. The database is
83MB before this process runs but 'bloats' to 318MB immediately after the
relink process is finished. There are 142 table links that are refreshed.

The procedure uses the 'RefreshLink' property. I have read all the articles
that I could find on what causes this 'bloat' problem but none of them
mention the RefreshLink property causing this.

Has anyone ever heard of this? What can be done to fix it?

For Each tmpTABLE In mydb.TableDefs
tmptablename = tmpTABLE.Name
tmpconnect = tmpTABLE.Connect
If Len(tmpTABLE.Connect) > 0 Then

tmpTABLE.Connect = ""
tmpTABLE.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=" & tmpDSN & ";APP=" & tmpAPP &
";WSID=" & tmpWSID & ";DATABASE=" & tmpDB & ";Trusted_Connection=" & tmpTC &

End If
Next tmpTABLE
-------------------------------------------------------------P.S. I checked
that all recordsets etc. are explicitly closed at the end of the subroutine,
so that doesn't appear to be the problem.


Sorry about the multiple posts! The system told me that the first ones did
not work so I kept trying!!!

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