Access 2003 SP3 Problem



Why does Access shutdown sometimes when deleting a record. This did not
happen before the company installed SP3.

Thanks for your help in advance.


Go to the subform and open it in design view. Find the onclick event. To the
right will be a little square - click on it and pick code builder. Type the
following starting with where the cursor is:
Dim stpassword as string
stpassword = inputbox ("enter your password")
If stpassword = "your password" then
docmd.openform "your form name",,, acnormal
else: Msgbox "you entered the wrong password", vbokonly
end if


Whoops, sorry I posted to the wrong question.

Golfinray said:
Go to the subform and open it in design view. Find the onclick event. To the
right will be a little square - click on it and pick code builder. Type the
following starting with where the cursor is:
Dim stpassword as string
stpassword = inputbox ("enter your password")
If stpassword = "your password" then
docmd.openform "your form name",,, acnormal
else: Msgbox "you entered the wrong password", vbokonly
end if

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