Access 2003 - Creating a Word Doc



Hi, I have a problem that is causing me extreme frustration so I hope someone
can help me.

I have created a maintenance database program that selects a number of
maintenance tasks, groups them and then creates a word document with them.

It works great.... until I start adding tables to put the maintenance tasks

It creates the tables no problem.... the first time.

The next time it crashes with the following error code:"The remote Server or
Machine does not exist or is unavailble".

I then close word down, go back to Access program and try again and it
works????. It seems that it works the first time and then every second time
after that. I am totally baffled.

It always crashes at the same spot and that is at the following code:

"objWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=1,
NumColumns:=3, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior"

I have no idea why.

I hope there is somone who can help.

Thank you


this is a very confusing question;

you state that you 'start adding tables'...

Tables are a fundamental design foundation of a database and one doesn't
'start adding tables' when running the application... do you mean adding

Also it almost seems like you are saying that you are attempting to add data
to a database via a Word doc, which of course is not possible....

You will need to restate your question...


I guess it must have been confusing considering the Topic.

I am trying to create a table in Word and then grouping a number of the
records from an access table and then trying to send them to the word
document. It is very simple to do, until I try to create the word tables. As
I said, it works once and then the second time it crashes with the message I

"objWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=1,
NumColumns:=3, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior"

It then works the third time but not the fourth, works the fifth but not the
sixth etc. etc.

What I don't understand is why.

You said
Tables are a fundamental design foundation of a database and one doesn't
'start adding tables' when running the application... do you mean adding

Actually, using a maketable query, tables can be created and added at run

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