Access 2003 cant see table data


Georg Hickel

i have a problem with access 2003 on a new notebook (XP SP1) with a fresh
installed office 2003 pro. The latest office servicepack was installed too
from the MS Office update site, latest jet engine update too. The only other
software installed on the machine is norton antivirus 2005.

The Problem: I create a new Database (mdb file). Add 1 table (Table1) with 2
fields (field1, field2) both text. Save my changes. and then try to open the
table to add some data. Now i only see a white rectangle (almost the size of
the expected table grid) with no info at all (no header, no gridlines
nothing). after some seconds the Access main toolbar starts to flicker...

The only stuff i can do is to close the window of the table, then all
strange activies will stop, reopen the table and all starts again.

Repair and compacting the database did not help. I tried to reinstall but
this didnt change anything.

Working in the design mode makes no trouble..

Any help or idea to solve this is very welcome.

Thank you


EMail: (e-mail address removed)

Allen Browne

Hi Georg.

Could this be a video driver issue? Temporarily turn off hardware
acceleration. Right-click the Windows destkop, and choose:
Properties | Settings | TroubleShoot.
Alternatively, try running a vanilla VGA driver instead of the one for your
graphics card.

You might also try telling NAV not to check mdb files.

If the problem only occurs when you view a datasheet, you might also check
what font you have specified in Access under:
Tools | Options | Datasheet.

Does the problem occur even if you open the Northwind sample database? If
not, then it is possible that this particular database is corrupted. General
suggestsions on recovering from corruption at:

Georg Hickel

thanks for your hints... but no help...

I did stop the NAV Stuff, deactivated any hardware acceleration of the
Graphics (Mobility Radeon 9000), and did check the fonts (is the standard

Yes the problem is only with the dataview and happens with the northwind db
On a new db when i want to design a table in the dataview this does not work

Thanks anyway..


Allen Browne

Okay: it's not driver-related, it's not a corrupted database (since it
happens with all), and it happens only with datasheets.

How many fonts do you have installed? If there are many hundreds of fonts in
c:\windows\fonts, try reducing the count so there are only a few hundred.
This was an issue in Access 2002, though I have not experienced it in A2003.

What font have you specified for datasheets:
Tools | Options | Datasheet
Try a basic one.

I'm assuming that the issue is not just an inappropriate row height. That
can be set by right-clicking the record selector.

Georg Hickel

thanks for your answer. I have 193 fonts installed and the font which is
specified for the dataview is Arial ...

I did uninstall the office stuff and reinstall again.. no help...



I know this may be a bit expensive but you always have the commercial
options if you can't open your database. I know of two database
recovery programs. One is accessdatabaserecovery (I think) and the
other one is accessfix, this last one had some good reviews and a
colleague gave me some positive feedback about it. Both not cheap.

Georg Hickel

thanks for your hint, but its not a problem of repairing the database.

My dealer tried the office 2003 installation on a new fresh never used
notebook (same as mine).

This shows the same problem, so its not a problem of my machine, its a
problem of the notebook series..
The dealer did contact Toshiba and we are waiting a fix of some kind...

For your info the machine is a Toshiba Tecra S1 with XP pro (SP1).



Allen Browne

Georg, if this does end up being a fault with the notebook, please post back
the details when fixed.

It will probably help someone else researching the same problem through

Georg Hickel

finally a solution from Toshiba.

Notebook: Tecra S1
Action: Uninstall Mobile Extensions Software!

This did fix my problem.

Georg Hickel

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