Access 2003 and SQL 2000 Backend


Jim Gaudet

I have created a database in Access 2003 and then decided I should move it
to SQL. After going through the upsizing wizard my linked forms are not

My subforms are not working anymore. Can anyone give me some steps to take
to try and solve this issue.



Jacek Segit

Witaj Jim,
W Twoim li¶cie datowanym 4 maja 2004 (01:34:39) mo¿na przeczytaæ:

JG> I have created a database in Access 2003 and then decided I should move it
JG> to SQL. After going through the upsizing wizard my linked forms are not
JG> working.
JG> My subforms are not working anymore. Can anyone give me some steps to take
JG> to try and solve this issue.

Hey Jim, I posted mails about "converting forms" few days ago.
Just use google:

Jacek Segit


Make sure that your subform has the linked field in it.
I ran into the same problem.

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