Access 2003/2002 and mde files



Hi all,

I did some searching around here and it appears that you can't make an mde
file using access 2003 for clients with access 2002. I found that out the
hard way, so the search was just to confirm.

Is that correct? I happen to have access 2002 and 2003 installed on my
desktop. I've developed an application in 2002/2003 format using 2003
version. Can I open that mdb file in my 2002 version access and make the mde
file that way? Is that going to cause problems if I then try to run the mde
with my 2003 version?

I REALLY want to use an mde for my front end but I don't know when the user
machines are going to get updated...

Thanks for any help,

I REALLY don't want to be distributing mdb files and having them

Larry Kahm


Confirmed: you can't use 2003 to generate an MDE that can be used by 2002.
However, if you generate the MDE using the 2002 version, you won't have any
problem opening it up and using it in the 2003 version. Bottom line: you
have to build the MDE in the lowest version used by clients.

Larry Kahm
Heliotropic Systems, Inc.

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