Access 2000 locking up in Windows XP


Gary Wheeler

I hope I can describe this problem. I have an Access 2000
with a SQL 2000 back end application. The following
problem only seems to exist when running in a Windows XP
(Professional or Home) environment.

After the user enters some data and starts the application
to run a Model/Popup form is displayed that simply
says "Standby, Processing Data". At the end of the
process the Standby form is closed and a msgbox is
displayed letting the user know that the job has
completed, any errors encountered, and total processing
time. Here is where the problems begin. After clicking
OK on the msgbox and, if the user has done nothing else on
the computer while the program was processing, then the
user can close the program and all is well. However, if
the user has gone to any other program while the program
was running, after click the OK button on the msgbox the
last program the user was using comes back to the screen
and the access application is locked up. The only way to
close the application is the use the task manager and
ending the program. Does anyone have any idea what might
be causing this? As I said this only appears to happen
when running the application in Windows XP




it could be an application issue, however, how about if you try moduless
form? did you upgrade Windows critical patch?

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