Acc2000+SQL2000 Run-time error '3146': ODBC-Call Failed



Hi, All

I am using Access2000 SR1 SP3 + Win2000server SP2+SQL Server 2000 SP1.

I create some linkage tables on access to SQL server, by choosing linking
table by ODBC data source.
I create some sub functions in Model, to open a recordset, and handle it
These codes most of the time run OK,
but sometimes it pops out a msg window saying:
" Run-time error '3146': ODBC-Call Failed"

I did set the odbc timeout value to "0" for all my queries, which means no
timeout limit, and recordset type as "Snapshot"

How can resolve this problem?



Glen Appleton

Hi Michael,

The call failed message can be caused by a number of problems including bad
network conditions, locked objects, etc... The best way to determine the
problem is to trap the error and then examine the error objects collection
using a 'for each' loop to get an idea of the specifics. Check the .Number,
..Description, and .SQLState properties of each error object and that should
shed some light on the problem.

Hope this helps,
- Glen

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