About system restore points-XP home



Hi- I cleaned out my pc from some malware and it appears
to be clean now. I scanned in safe mode as well. And I
did this with SR disabled. Now, I enabled it and made a
new restore point. I picked todays date. But when it
finished rebooting and all, I noticed some of the things
had changed. To give you an example, I had upgraded to
ad-aware SE (the new version)-I used to have the older
version (6) like 2 weeks ago. Well....it went back to the
old version. So I deleted the restore point set and all
is well now. How can I pick a new R.pt that will be ok
and how does one know how to pick one. I would have used
the wizard but it asks to give a name for the R.pt and to
remember it because it canno be changed. So I did not.
hope you can help me on this subject.thx

Kay Hangman

It sounds like you restored to a previous point rather than making a restore
point, which are two different things. When you make a Restore Point, you
don't have to reboot and you don't "pick a date". Those are things you do
when you restore to an earlier point (and would explain why things looked
"older" after the reboot). You have to be sure to choose to "Create a
Restore Point" on the first screen of the wizard. The wizard to make a
Restore Point asks you for a name so you can remember why you made it. For
instance, if I'm about to install a program, I might name my Restore Point
"Before ProgramName".

Hope that explains the process a bit. Also, WinXP makes its own restore
points at set intervals, so you don't have to do it manually all the time.

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