About spyware


Phil McCracken

Bernie said:
Regarding Spyware, Eric Howes' information and home page should be one of
the top hits and it isn't anywhere close.
When I want information on any subject I'd like to get it from someone who
is considered an expert in his field by his peers, perhaps someone who
actually testified at a government hearing as an expert on the matter.
What I don't want is 96 thousand links to one sentence blurbs in Usenet
post, links to some website that require you become a member to read the
answer to your question, someone complaining about spyware he installed and
other useless sites.
Pretty much the only way you'll ever find this web site is if someone gives
it to you.
You can type Spyware, Spyware Information or any combination of related
words into a google search and click next page forever and you'll likely
never find it. I don't care what search term you type into a google search,
the information you want will not be on the first page and most likely won't
be on the second page either.
Not everyone deserves 15 min. of fame or a link from a search engine. Now
every fool with notepad, HTML for Dummies and ISP provided free web server
space is posting to the net and you can find every darned one of them with
google. I liken it to white noise and it's drowning out all the useful and
relevant information.
I've 25 different search engines in my favorites folder, they all get used
and google gets used less and less every year.
I imagine you must have purchased some of that overpriced google stock that
was maybe worth about $20.00 at best and are trying to justify your

I think you're expecting *a little* too much. The term "research"
suggests that you're going to have to do *some* work on your own, and
information isn't going to be delivered to you in gift wrap. I Googled
for "spyware expert testimony" and found this on the first page:
http://tinyurl.com/3t3on. Then "spyware expert congress" yielded this,
again on the first page: http://tinyurl.com/6m6rl. From there it was a
simple matter to find lots of references to Edelman, albeit not
necessarily the particular page you refer to.

As far as searching and learning goes, there's also the matter of
serendipity, which consists in finding something useful, edifying or
fortuitous while looking for something else. I often find that Google
searches result in learning something I hadn't expected to learn, even
if I didn't directly find what I was looking for, and what's so bad
about that?


A previous post reposted, take note of those URL's below.
I just posted the main page.
All relevant information on the subject can be found there and 96 thousand
google hits could be reduced to one.
Spouting GOOGLE as the be all end all answer to any question is rude and
There are many reason why I have so many search engines.
As an example: I have one called "Cookin with Google" and when I enter
chicken breasts, virgin olive oil and long grain wild rice, I'm not
bombarded with hundreds of porn sites selling wild, virgin, breasts, links
to Tyson's and info on how virgin olive oil is processed. What I do get are
recipes posted to the net in which chicken breasts, virgin olive oil and
long grain wild rice are in the ingredients. Here's the link if you'd like
to add it to your list of search engines.

Phil McCracken

Bernie wrote:

Spouting GOOGLE as the be all end all answer to any question is rude and

What's rude is characterizing an attempt to help someone to help
themselves as "rude and uninformative." Don't try to justify your own
anal retentive behavior by projecting it onto the rest of the world.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP\)

The following site contains an explanation of spyware, has information on
spyware detection and removal applications and a forum for discussions of
issues and applications:


Ask anyone over the age of six what Google is and you'll likely get an
Giving Google to anyone as the answer to a perfectly valid question is
Professing to help me by telling me the one thing I already know is just
(pause) well damned dumb.
What your really saying is if your to damned stupid to look it up on GOOGLE
yourself don't bother coming here to ask for an answer as to why any Windows
installation can be subjected to spyware, viruses, trojans, drive by
installs, subjected to phishing exploits etc. within minutes of being hooked
up to the internet.
Love those Snips.

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