A7V133 siren sound only on initial post


Scott Jeslis

I have a A7V133-C with 2-256mb dimms and 1 512mb dimm. When I
initially power-on the system I get the "European Siren" sound and no
post. After hitting the reset switch everything comes up fine and runs
forever (as long as 16hrs I've let it run).

Strangest thing I've seen. Anyone else seen or heard of such a thing?



Uzytkownik "Scott Jeslis said:
I have a A7V133-C with 2-256mb dimms and 1 512mb dimm. When I
initially power-on the system I get the "European Siren" sound and no
post. After hitting the reset switch everything comes up fine and runs
forever (as long as 16hrs I've let it run).

Strangest thing I've seen. Anyone else seen or heard of such a thing?

Try with another (better/more powerful) PSU...


-DraconuS- said:

Try with another (better/more powerful) PSU...
Maciej aka -DraconuS- .. Wroclaw .. GG#501084
(.) (.) .:Quake III Arena nightmare player
) ( .:White Ford-DM FiestaII 1.1iC '94 3-door driver
( ' ) .:Judo | Jiu-Jitsu Goshin-Ryu jujitsuka

Might want to look at the chipset fan. The A7V133 is notorious for having
one of the poorest chipset fans around using a sleeve bearing instead of a
ball bearing that gets dry and starts making weird sounds especially shortly
after turning on the PC after a night of cooling off. I had to replaced my
fan after about six months of use because I couldn't stand the noise.

Three options here.... disconnect the chipset fan and see if it still howls.
If it stops, 1) replace the fan with any 20m x 20m fan (mounting may be a
challenge); 2) lift the sticker and place a drop of light machine oil on the
spindle letting it set for a while and then replacing the sticker; 3)
purchase a small heat sink with double sided thermal tape after removing the
bracket clip for the fan. The latter may require temporary removal of the
mobo to get to the holding pins on the bottom.

Good luck.


Scott Jeslis

-DraconuS- said:

Try with another (better/more powerful) PSU...

That's a good suggestion but I'm already running with a 400 watt PSU.

I do have 2 4-port USB Hubs but one of those has it's own power

It's funny because I just powered down to check the power supply and
when I repowered up I didn't have this issue.


I have a A7V133-C with 2-256mb dimms and 1 512mb dimm. When I
initially power-on the system I get the "European Siren" sound and no
post. After hitting the reset switch everything comes up fine and runs
forever (as long as 16hrs I've let it run).

Strangest thing I've seen. Anyone else seen or heard of such a thing?

I had the same issue three years ago with the TUSL2C board. The board
ran fine for about 6 months, then the computer began to freeze on a
regular basis. When I hit the reset button, the monitor would go to a
black screen and the siren would come on. Asus tech support said it
was a signal for a critical failure of the board, usually related to
either a CPU issue or a bad power supply. I installed the Asus
monitor and noticed the CPU fan seemed to be turning on and off. I
swapped a known good heatsink and fan along with a new Antec power
supply and got the same result. I was able to get an RMA number and
swap the board for a new one when we finally decided there was a
problem with the boards fan circuitry.


Scott Jeslis


Thanks for the suggestion but this is not a chipset fan issue.
That's not the siren I'm hearing. I'm hearing the 1 long/1 short
BIOS sound.


Philip Callan

my board did this when i didnt hook the 12v lead to my Radeon 9700 Pro AIW

have you connected both the 4 pin and the large molex power connectors to
the motherboard?

Scott Jeslis

Hmm, interesting. I did try a new power supply. Went from a 400w to a
600w and as soon as I powered on... the issue happened again.

So upgraded power supply was no help.

It's really more of an inconvience other then anything else.

As far as the bad cpu/fan Gseals... this happens on a cold start. On a
"warm start" I don't see it. I see it when I shut the system
completely down for the night and come back to power on the next

Scott Jeslis

Last night I left the PC plugged in, in "standby mode" I guess it
would be called. It was shutdown but the green power LED on the board
was lite. When I powered on this morning I had no issue.


I don't remember having the issue on a cold boot, but then that was at
least three years ago, and sometimes my memory fades. (We refer to
that around home as CRS, Can't Remember S**t.) I do remember that
the warning didn't happen every day at first, but got worse over time.
It is strange that once "warm" you don't seem to have the problem.

I have searched my backup files to see if I had saved any of the
correspondence with Asus tech support for this issue. If I find them,
I'll be glad to post them here, but so far, I've had no luck in
locating a copy.

I would think that the siren warning would be the same for each Asus
board, and is evidently their warning of a critical failure. Asus
tech was of the opinion that I needed to resolve the issue because,
according to them, it could lead to a total system failure if left
unchecked. I was building a new system for my son based on an Intel
epea board at the time the problem started. I put the Asus board in
his case along with new ram, new hard drive, new video card, and new
heatsink and fan. In fact, the only common parts were the board and
cpu. I still got the euro style siren warning and Black SOD after
doing a clean install of Windows. I RMA'd the board and put the new
board in the old case with the original ram, cpu, HD, video card and
heatsink/fan. It still runs great today and I've not heard the siren

Since you've tried a new power supply, I suspect the problem is with
the board. Be sure to post any solution you may reach. I, for one,
would be interested as to the outcome. Good luck,


Scott Jeslis

My next thing I am in the process of trying is matching all the SDRAM
DIMMs. I currently have 2 Crucial 256MB DIMMs and 1 "Unknown" 512MB
DIMM. I'm in the process of replacing the "Unknown" 512MB with
comprable Crucial memory.

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