A stupid question?


Frank V

all my music is stored in "My documents" and taking a lot of space, so that
when I try to back up "My Documents" folder I usually run out of space. My
Microsoft Media Player also points to My Music under My documents. I would
like to move all my music files from My documents folder to just my C:\
drive - how do I do that, and how do I get the Media Player point to my
music under C:\
Forgive me if I confused you!
Frank Vorlicek


To move all 'My Documents' folder, read this article:

How to Change the Default Location of the My Documents Folder

If you only want to move the 'My Music' folder, drag it using the right mouse button to C:\ drive and select 'Move Here'.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Frank,

Open Windows Explorer, click on the C:\ drive. Click file/new/folder and
create a destination folder for your music files (do not, I repeat, do not
just dump them all on the root of C:\ - put them in a folder). Then move to
their current location, click edit/select all/edit/move to folder and
navigate to the new folder. If you have common tasks enabled, then this
"move" option should also appear in the tasks field.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Frank V

Hi Daniel,
thanks for your prompt reply. I ran into a problem.
I tried to follow the directions in the URL you pointed me to. But when I
click on Start, I can point only to Documents (not MY Documents), then there
is pointing to MY Documents, but that does not have any Properties
reference, as suggested in the support document. I am therefore unable to
click on the Target tab, it aint there.
What am I missing? I have the latest version of W XP.
Thanks for your patience with me.
Frank V

To move all 'My Documents' folder, read this article:

How to Change the Default Location of the My Documents Folder

If you only want to move the 'My Music' folder, drag it using the right
mouse button to C:\ drive and select 'Move Here'.


It seems you're using XP Classic Start menu:

1. Right-click the Start Menu button.
2. Select Properties.
3. Click on 'Start menu' and press OK.

Then you should be able to follow the KB article without problems.


Frank said:
all my music is stored in "My documents" and taking a lot of space, so that
when I try to back up "My Documents" folder I usually run out of space. My
Microsoft Media Player also points to My Music under My documents. I would
like to move all my music files from My documents folder to just my C:\
drive - how do I do that, and how do I get the Media Player point to my
music under C:\
Forgive me if I confused you!
Frank Vorlicek

You can change the location of the My Music or any other special folder
by using TweakUI, one of the MS powertoys. Get it from here:

Install it then run it. Expand the My Computer section and go to
Special Folders. In the right pane click the drop down menu arrow,
highlight My Music and click Change Location.

Mike Williams

Frank said:
all my music is stored in "My documents" and taking a lot of space, so that
when I try to back up "My Documents" folder I usually run out of space. My
Microsoft Media Player also points to My Music under My documents. I would
like to move all my music files from My documents folder to just my C:\
drive - how do I do that, and how do I get the Media Player point to my
music under C:\
Forgive me if I confused you!
Frank Vorlicek

See http://msmvps.com/blogs/thinice/articles/38373.aspx
"Housekeeping tips: moving your media files and removing duplicates"

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