A Really Stupid Obvious Question that is Driving Me Nuts



Hi all,

I know this should be obvious and easy but I can't find the answer anywhere,
probably because I don't the terminology.

Anyway, my wife has an Excel worksheet with rental data for her business,
things like name, address, nights staying, etc. (Sheet 1) and so I made
another sheet in her workbook as an invoice (Sheet 2) and embedded the data
from Sheet 1 and now don't laugh but I can't figure out how to get the
invoice to "move" through the rows of Sheet 1 (i.e. have a drop-down or
something to change the invoice data (Sheet 2) from Mr. Jones' info on row 3
of Sheet 1 to Mr. Smith's info on row 7 of Sheet 1).

Sad to say, the only way I've figured out how to do it is to do a Find and
Replace of $3 to $7 on my invoice sheet to accomplish this...not very

I know this has to be an obvious feature...feeling pretty stupid...please

Tom Ogilvy

Enter the identifying information (assume name) and then populate other
cells with formulas using Vlookup.

See help on Vlooup for details

Assume the name entered in B3 of Sheet2


this would return "Nights Staying" or column C from sheet1 for the matching

You can put in a dropdown in B2 which has all the name from which to choose
by using data => Validation.

See Debra Dalgleish's site for information on using Data =>Validation.

Debra Dalgleish

Datavalidation - top

Dependent lists - data validation


Don't beat yourself up over lack of terminology - it takes time, you did well
enough describing what you have and what you need.

Tom Ogilvy has given very good advice and solution. One minor thing that
most would figure out, but you might get confused over as a novice: He said
"Assume the name entered into B3 of Sheet2", and I believe he meant to say
that the name would be entered into B2 of that sheet, and the formula he
provided would go into B3.

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