A Question For Mike Stevens



WOW! I AM impressed, Mike!

Your reply to Andrew about upgrading from 98 to XP!

That was downright FRIENDLY!

I know, if I were Andrew, I'd have the warm, tingly fuzzies
right about now!


This is Jerk Tal again,

Or you can just call me "jerk" if you like.

I'm gonna call you "jerk" from now on!

-- kidding

Excuse, please!

Couldn't find our last exchange, so I had a question for
you, and I'll try to not ever bother you ever again.

I went to your web page last night and found some really
cool stuff! I was impressed -- ( with your stuff, not with
you! )

Since you now consider me one of the modern plagues, I am
guessing that I no longer have your permission to access
your web site and download. ?? ( I mean, I might
contaminate it, or something)

I mean, I'm totally stupid, I know. Not worth feeding and
all that. So, can I still have the software?


( I DO hope you can see and appreciate my TRYING to be
funny. I DO have no hard feelings toward you. Why make YOUR
issues mine? And-- if you missed it-- my profession was/is
writing. How's my parody doing?)

Good luck!


where does

Michael Wayne

Hey Talahasee,

You are so right on with this MVP

Just because he took a test as so he can add MVP to his title, he must
believe that he can belittle others below his MVP statue. If Andrew gave
incorrect advise, then you would think that since because of his statue,
that he could be more professional about it.

You were so very poetic and polite. Thank you very much.

Michael Wayne

For reference, I believe that Talahasee was refering to the following:

Don't ever follow Andrew E's idiotic ramblings, he is the equivalent of a
newsgroup terrorist. Occasionally giving correct replies to fool the
naive(like a sleeper cell); but because of the way he posts his replies they
are difficult; to impossible to understand the information.
But why I categorize him as a newsgroup terrorist is that most of his posts
give advice that will cause the uninformed poster to lose all the data on
their hard drive without any warning to the effect that this will be the
result. He proclaims his malicious advice is advised by Microsoft but cannot
and will not supply links to support his claims.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


Hey Michael,
You appearently haven't been following this newsgroup very long.
Andrew E has been treated VERY polite in the past by MVP's and
nonMVP's alike.
Some of Andrews advice is downright dangerous to any PC OP if they
were to follow what he says. He has been corrected very politely for a
long time, BUT there comes a time when a person or group has had
enough misinformation. A new user that follows Andrew's advice is
asking for trouble with their machine. I am no expert, but even I can
see that.
My 2 cents worth!!



Hey Talahasee,

You are so right on with this MVP

Just because he took a test as so he can add MVP to his title, he must
believe that he can belittle others below his MVP statue. If Andrew gave
incorrect advise, then you would think that since because of his statue,
that he could be more professional about it.

You were so very poetic and polite. Thank you very much.

Michael Wayne


I'm SO glad SOMEONE got my SOH!

Those who actually KNOW me say I do very well for being
mentally not all there. I like to laugh, and I LOVE to make
others laugh, which I do frequently!

And it's not like I'm a psycho mass murderer, or a bank
robber or a panty stealer or a peeper.

I just have some problems understanding sometimes. My IQ is
practically off the charts, and I'm educated!

I'm actually quite creative!

Mom used to say, "Honey, you can't please everybody!"
For reference, I believe that Talahasee was refering to the following:

Don't ever follow Andrew E's idiotic ramblings, he is the equivalent of a
newsgroup terrorist. Occasionally giving correct replies to fool the
naive(like a sleeper cell); but because of the way he posts his replies they
are difficult; to impossible to understand the information.
But why I categorize him as a newsgroup terrorist is that most of his posts
give advice that will cause the uninformed poster to lose all the data on
their hard drive without any warning to the effect that this will be the
result. He proclaims his malicious advice is advised by Microsoft but cannot
and will not supply links to support his claims.

Oops! Sorry! Didn't give the refrence.

The above post from Andrew is PRECISELY the "rip-snort" to
which I referred.

Good luck!



Hey Michael,
You appearently haven't been following this newsgroup very long.
Andrew E has been treated VERY polite in the past by MVP's and
nonMVP's alike.
Some of Andrews advice is downright dangerous to any PC OP if they
were to follow what he says. He has been corrected very politely for a
long time, BUT there comes a time when a person or group has had
enough misinformation. A new user that follows Andrew's advice is
asking for trouble with their machine. I am no expert, but even I can
see that.
My 2 cents worth!!

Thanks, Driver! Sincerely!

And I have no issue that Andrew is not being helpful.

But as I explained dealing with misbehavior in another

I have observed chimpanzees having quarrels that get so out
of control, they actually throw their feces at each other.
My point in the OTHER group was, you don't teach a chimp to
not throw its feces by throwing yours!

But thanks for "catching us up!"

My only contrary point would be, I have been around
computers long enough (some 25 years now), that I think I
can be counted on-- even if my 2 cents is wrong-- to not
give DESTRUCTIVE advice.

And-- rather than jumping into EVERY discussion-- I hold
back unless I actually believe I can help.

Sometimes, I'm wrong, but I am also the first to admit it.

The two who said I am ALWAYS/FREQUENTLY wrong and I NEVER
admit it or apologize

they were just plain LYING.

Good luck!



Talahasee lied:
My only contrary point would be, I have been around
computers long enough (some 25 years now), that I think I
can be counted on-- even if my 2 cents is wrong-- to not
give DESTRUCTIVE advice.

You mean like posting that SP2 isn't necessary? That's very destructive.


Use the Reply to Sender feature of your news reader program to email me.
Utiliza Responder al Remitente para mandarme un mail.


Hi Talahasee,

My experience with computers go back to the days of the Commodore Vic
20 with a tape drive for backup.

Now that that has been said, I have been following this newsgroup for
more than two years. I have seen a lot of people come and go. You have
to have a "thick skin" to take the good with the bad. I, and others
have been given a lot of assistance here from MVP's and non MVP's
alike. The good solid help that has been given has been priceless to
me. The MVP's and non MVP's (all of them) give freely of their time to
do this for us.
I am not defending any particular on here, they can speak for
themselves. I hope you understand a little bit better now in what is
involved with this news group. Ask me what the #1 topic on here is and
I could tell you.
Watch and learn.



Talahasee lied:

You mean like posting that SP2 isn't necessary? That's very destructive.

I never said that "SP 2 isn't necessary.

Kindly do not put words in my mouth.

What I said is that when I investigated why I was having so
many problems, (so many crashes, so many of my NECESSARY
programs crashing left and right), I determined --
(according to its own documentation -- that SP 2 was / is
not compatible with other programs I feel I need MORE than I
need SP 2.

I spoke and I speak for NO one else!

And to say I said "it's not necessary is a lie!"

IF I said that, kindly repost my words.

And for the past year or so, I don't seem to have suffered
not having it.

I also unloaded Microsoft Windows Media Player 10.

Microsoft may be a monopoly, but I DAMN sight can decide
what I run on MY computer, thank you!

I am not advocating for what anyone ELSE runs. I WILL tell
people I have had NO success running SP 2.

If SP 2 were a REQUIRED ADD-on, I am sure a note would pop
up on my computer -- which IS set for Automatic Updates--
informing me that I simply MUST add SP 2 or my computer will

Unlike you and some others, I figure each individual is
INTELLIGENT and RESPONSIBLE enough to make decisions for

I have merely supplied information on the "con" side. You
are more than welcome to continue providing all the reasons
people should put SP 2 on their computers.

It may well be that my computer is an oddball- they do
exist-- that makes it not compatible with SP 2. And I am not
the only person I've encountered who drive SP 2, and then
unloaded it.

Something tells me you work for Microsoft.



Hi Talahasee,

My experience with computers go back to the days of the Commodore Vic
20 with a tape drive for backup.

My first was a Timex Sinclair. Remember the one that was
smaller than a small box of Grape Nuts? It was reviewed as
"excellent value" for its day, with a keyboard that
resembled "flat chicklets."

I didn't buy a Vic because I couldn't afford one.

My 2nd was the Atari 130 XE.

My first IBM was a 286 6 Mhz.
30 mb hdd.
1 360 fdd.
Now that that has been said, I have been following this newsgroup for
more than two years. I have seen a lot of people come and go. You have
to have a "thick skin" to take the good with the bad.

That is not a problem, as long as the MVPs have a thick skin
as well. I tend to give what I get.

And when Ken or Mike decides to give me a kick in the balls
for not being more receptive to their verbal abuse, he can
expect a kick in the balls in return.

If they want to be bullies, "take the crap we dish out or we
won't give you any advice", they can go screw themselves, as
others-- not just me-- have said.

I don't grovel and scrape and kiss heiny for ANYBODY. Never
have, never will. And when I've had bosses and supervisors
who wanted a bj on the lunch break in order to give me
decent treatment, I told them to bend over so I could show
them where to put their job.

I, and others
have been given a lot of assistance here from MVP's and non MVP's

As have I, and I believe I have ALWAYS expressed genuine
thanks for that.

That does NOT excuse petty, "I am God, you are shit"
behavior. If you believe it does, then you must deal with
the consequences of being a serf. They are free to steal
your children, your wife, your land... Put it in terms you
understand. I will not be beholding.

As I have said several times, a good buddy for the past 20
yaers is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer who is a
phone call away. And we've known one another long enough
that I can call him about just about anything and have an
answer in 5 minutes.

I could likely get the "best" advice from in here, and then
call Bruce, and then come back in here and tell the MVPs
where they screwed up.

Bruce must be in his late 50s, and he's been around
computers a VERY long time.

I don't call him because he has to make a living, and he
can't if he's on the phone an hour a day with me.

The good solid help that has been given has been priceless

I agree. I also believe that those who know even less than
me have benefited from MY information/knowledge/experience
when the MVPs deemed the questions "unworthy of their time.'

I have waited and waited and waited and FINALLY jumped in to
help someone who was Pleading, "someone please help! I've
asked the same question 4 times now." And no "MVP" bothered.

I guess there are "shit lists" even in here. And apparently
I am not the only one on them.

"So be it." IF that is the price of confronting a tyrant...

The MVP's and non MVP's (all of them) give freely of their
time to
do this for us.

True. If we bow and worship. If we don't bow and worship,
too many have ALREADY let me and others know, "worship at my
feet, or be ignored."

"Ain't gonna happen."
I am not defending any particular on here, they can speak for
themselves. I hope you understand a little bit better now in what is
involved with this news group.

If you have noticed the past day or so, (perhaps it's been
too soon for some to notice), I AM watching much more and
commenting much less. I didn't realize that this was a
closed group, where only 3 of them were permitted to "help."
And only after HEAVY tribute.

Then again, having worked at Microsoft myself, I happen to
know that Microsoft's employees generally see themselves as
"Gods", and if you don't play the "I worship you! Can I have
my paycheck now?" game, you don't last long.

I could tell stories about Microsoft's REAL attitudes
towards both customers and employees that you would not

Suffice it to say that -- the last time I worked at
Microsoft, I was terminated for being a male. I was told TO
MY FACE, that I was being fired "so we can hire a female to
replace you."

(I happen to be male)

That is TOTALLY ILLEGAL, but since I didn't happen to have
a tape recorder going, I was SOL.

I sense the same "I am God, you are nothing" in here.

And it's just plain W R O N G !!

Saddest of all, you are among those who have been sucked in!

I made a comment when I first posted my apology. It
obviously doesn't apply to everyone. It most certainly
doesn't apply to the MVPs with whom I've had words.

I said I was going to be open because I believed the people
in here are adults, mature, responsible, kind, and they
would not use what I was going to say against me.

And so far, two of the MVPs have called me a lunatic.
And both have reminded me to "take my meds."

That's a CLASS act!

Ask me what the #1 topic on here is and
I could tell you.
Watch and learn.

We may be learning different lessons.

And you may need to learn some lessons yourself.

One lesson you should learn is, if you must pay tribute in
order to be "blessed with knowledge", you must decide if
that tribute is something you are wiling to pay.

I will not give up my manhood and my self-respect for their

At least *I* can face the guy in the mirror every morning!

Good luck!



Hi Talahasee,

My experience with computers go back to the days of the Commodore Vic
20 with a tape drive for backup.

Now that that has been said, I have been following this newsgroup for
more than two years. I have seen a lot of people come and go. You have
to have a "thick skin" to take the good with the bad. I, and others
have been given a lot of assistance here from MVP's and non MVP's
alike. The good solid help that has been given has been priceless to
me. The MVP's and non MVP's (all of them) give freely of their time to
do this for us.
I am not defending any particular on here, they can speak for
themselves. I hope you understand a little bit better now in what is
involved with this news group. Ask me what the #1 topic on here is and
I could tell you.
Watch and learn.

BTW, did you notice yet, Mike didn't answer my question. Not
only will he not answer me, he has also proven
1. no soh
2. no REAL concern for those who don't kiss his butt.

Michael Stevens

Talahasee said:
BTW, did you notice yet, Mike didn't answer my question. Not
only will he not answer me, he has also proven
1. no soh
2. no REAL concern for those who don't kiss his butt.

I didn't answer, because there wasn't really a question. It was just you
making excuses from the soapbox.
I was also telling you to your face what I thought and you are proving my
words right with every more increasingly inflammatory "post".
You do everything you accuse others of doing and in my opinion you really
like doing it. This will be my last post on your condition, but I will
correct or give information when necessary and I am sure what I post is
You can keep acting out, but you are only making an a$$ of yourself.
There are no logins on my web site, but you knew that, and as for the
quality of your parody. It didn't play that way. But you knew that also.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Michael Stevens

Michael Wayne said:
Hey Talahasee,

You are so right on with this MVP

How would you know? You don't even know that Andrew E. posts very dangerous
advice and has for years.
Just because he took a test as so he can add MVP to his title,

Shows how little your insight counts. No tests involved, it was an award for
helping out in newsgroups; providing help resources, and working in other
venues to support Windows XP.
he must
believe that he can belittle others below his MVP statue. If Andrew
gave incorrect advise, then you would think that since because of his
statue, that he could be more professional about it.

DUH....Tried the tactful approach if you were informed enough of what you
speak to make judgment you would know how dangerous Andrew E really is.
You were so very poetic and polite. Thank you very much.

You called that polite? Posting a single reply from a thread without posting
what generated the reply. Yeah "poetic and polite".

BTW, I knew another Michael Wayne who was a true gentleman as was his
father. May they both rest in peace.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


Alias said:
Talahasee lied:

You mean like posting that SP2 isn't necessary? That's very


I'm still running SP1 and I'm parasite free, with a system that works
Why install SP2 and have compatibilty issues?.


MAP said:
I'm still running SP1 and I'm parasite free, with a system that works
Why install SP2 and have compatibilty issues?.

Try "not being selfish" and "consideration for others on the 'Net". If
you don't have SP2, your systems has holes that could be exploited,
including, but not limited to, someone turning your computer into a

Compatibility problems with what?



Michael - You stated

Just because he took a test as so he can add MVP to his title,

Shows how little your insight counts. No tests involved, it was an award for
helping out in newsgroups; providing help resources, and working in other
venues to support Windows XP.

So you are saying that this MVP title that you have Was Optained by someone
or some group Giving You this Title because of what They Think about you and
Not because you took some type of acheievment test of some sort. Is that how
All MVP status are optained then? By someone's opion of another.

Right ot wrong about this guy Andrew, it now seems that it is certainly not
your place to bring him down like that. If you are part of a sorority of
this type, do not disrepect Andrew in that manner, for YOU are bring down
the rest of the MVP's with you. If this sorority honored you with this
title, then honor their membership by staying above this type of exchange
and take the high road.

You might not believe that owe Andrew an opology, which can be
understandable if you take the whole matter into context, but you certainly
owe all the other MVP's a public one for this behaviour.


Steve N.

Ted said:
Michael - You stated


Shows how little your insight counts. No tests involved, it was an award for
helping out in newsgroups; providing help resources, and working in other
venues to support Windows XP.

So you are saying that this MVP title that you have Was Optained by someone
or some group Giving You this Title because of what They Think about you and
Not because you took some type of acheievment test of some sort. Is that how
All MVP status are optained then? By someone's opion of another.

Perhaps this will clarify what an MVP is for you:

Right ot wrong about this guy Andrew, it now seems that it is certainly not
your place to bring him down like that. If you are part of a sorority of
this type, do not disrepect Andrew in that manner, for YOU are bring down
the rest of the MVP's with you. If this sorority honored you with this
title, then honor their membership by staying above this type of exchange
and take the high road.

You might not believe that owe Andrew an opology, which can be
understandable if you take the whole matter into context, but you certainly
owe all the other MVP's a public one for this behaviour.


The Andrew E. that Michael Stevens is referring to consistently gives
bad if not outright dangerous advice. He's been politely called on it
ad-nauseum. I don't blame Michael for laying into him a bit. Sometimes
it takes a brick upside the head to get a moron's attention. And Michael
is not the only one who has called this bozo on his BS, many well
respected regulars here have also done so, to no avail.

Michael Stevens owes no one an apology. I applaud him for standing up
for the truth and confronting this Andrew E. clown. Michael Stevens is
one of the very best MVPs I've ever seen posting here and he most
certainly deserves the title.

Steve N.


Hi Talahasee,
I'll answer you inline.

My first was a Timex Sinclair. Remember the one that was
smaller than a small box of Grape Nuts? It was reviewed as
"excellent value" for its day, with a keyboard that
resembled "flat chicklets."

I didn't buy a Vic because I couldn't afford one.

My 2nd was the Atari 130 XE.

My first IBM was a 286 6 Mhz.
30 mb hdd.
1 360 fdd.

I remember the old Timex Sinclair with the bubble keyboard.
My second was the Commodore 64, then I went to a Leading Edge 486SX.

As for the rest of your post, I have already stated my views on the
subject, but will try to answer you.
That is not a problem, as long as the MVPs have a thick skin
as well. I tend to give what I get.

And when Ken or Mike decides to give me a kick in the balls
for not being more receptive to their verbal abuse, he can
expect a kick in the balls in return.

If they want to be bullies, "take the crap we dish out or we
won't give you any advice", they can go screw themselves, as
others-- not just me-- have said.

I don't grovel and scrape and kiss heiny for ANYBODY. Never
have, never will. And when I've had bosses and supervisors
who wanted a bj on the lunch break in order to give me
decent treatment, I told them to bend over so I could show
them where to put their job.

I don't "grovel" to get answers here. I read and learn as do many
others. None have been bullies to me.

I, and others

As have I, and I believe I have ALWAYS expressed genuine
thanks for that.

That does NOT excuse petty, "I am God, you are shit"
behavior. If you believe it does, then you must deal with
the consequences of being a serf. They are free to steal
your children, your wife, your land... Put it in terms you
understand. I will not be beholding.

As I have said several times, a good buddy for the past 20
yaers is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer who is a
phone call away. And we've known one another long enough
that I can call him about just about anything and have an
answer in 5 minutes.

I could likely get the "best" advice from in here, and then
call Bruce, and then come back in here and tell the MVPs
where they screwed up.

Bruce must be in his late 50s, and he's been around
computers a VERY long time.

I don't call him because he has to make a living, and he
can't if he's on the phone an hour a day with me.

The good solid help that has been given has been priceless

I agree. I also believe that those who know even less than
me have benefited from MY information/knowledge/experience
when the MVPs deemed the questions "unworthy of their time.'

I don't believe that it was because that the MVP's "deemed the
questions unworthy of their time." The reason that they didn't answer
right away, I've found is that they are busy doing other things
besides this newsgroup.

I have waited and waited and waited and FINALLY jumped in to
help someone who was Pleading, "someone please help! I've
asked the same question 4 times now." And no "MVP" bothered.

I guess there are "shit lists" even in here. And apparently
I am not the only one on them.

"So be it." IF that is the price of confronting a tyrant...

The MVP's and non MVP's (all of them) give freely of their
time to

True. If we bow and worship. If we don't bow and worship,
too many have ALREADY let me and others know, "worship at my
feet, or be ignored."

"Ain't gonna happen."

I don't bow and worship to get answers. The reason that it takes time
for them to answer like I said before, they are busy doing other

If you have noticed the past day or so, (perhaps it's been
too soon for some to notice), I AM watching much more and
commenting much less. I didn't realize that this was a
closed group, where only 3 of them were permitted to "help."
And only after HEAVY tribute.

You are mistaken, this is not a closed group. The "3 of them" that
answer are probably the only ones that know the answers to the
questions being asked.
Then again, having worked at Microsoft myself, I happen to
know that Microsoft's employees generally see themselves as
"Gods", and if you don't play the "I worship you! Can I have
my paycheck now?" game, you don't last long.

I could tell stories about Microsoft's REAL attitudes
towards both customers and employees that you would not

Suffice it to say that -- the last time I worked at
Microsoft, I was terminated for being a male. I was told TO
MY FACE, that I was being fired "so we can hire a female to
replace you."

(I happen to be male)

That is TOTALLY ILLEGAL, but since I didn't happen to have
a tape recorder going, I was SOL.

No comment.
I sense the same "I am God, you are nothing" in here.

And it's just plain W R O N G !!

Saddest of all, you are among those who have been sucked in!

I don't get sucked in to anything. I am my own person. In the overall
scheme of things here, I don't sense the same thing you do about this
I made a comment when I first posted my apology. It
obviously doesn't apply to everyone. It most certainly
doesn't apply to the MVPs with whom I've had words.

I said I was going to be open because I believed the people
in here are adults, mature, responsible, kind, and they
would not use what I was going to say against me.

And so far, two of the MVPs have called me a lunatic.
And both have reminded me to "take my meds."

That's a CLASS act!

Ask me what the #1 topic on here is and

We may be learning different lessons.

And you may need to learn some lessons yourself.

One lesson you should learn is, if you must pay tribute in
order to be "blessed with knowledge", you must decide if
that tribute is something you are wiling to pay.

I will not give up my manhood and my self-respect for their

I don't agree with this. You are wrong. You haven't been here long
enough to make these assumptions.
At least *I* can face the guy in the mirror every morning!

Good luck!

Good luck to you!


I'm still running SP1 and I'm parasite free, with a system that works
Why install SP2 and have compatibilty issues?.

T H A N K Y O U !!

Good luck!



Try "not being selfish" and "consideration for others on the 'Net". If
you don't have SP2, your systems has holes that could be exploited,
including, but not limited to, someone turning your computer into a

Compatibility problems with what?

For ONE, I use Norton's Go Back system backup routines, for
those times when something unknown trashes my system. 9
times of 10, it works fine.

I have only gotten System Restore to work some 25 % of the
time, and I've heard similar reports from MANY who then
thanked me a week/ month later for referring them to
Norton's SysWorks 2003 "Go Back."

I noted after I loaded SP 2 that my Go Back no longer


After having this problem half-a-dozen times, I checked the
SP 2 documentation, and one of the programs it's not
compatible with is... you guessed it, Norton's Go Back.

Since I RARELY get System Restore to work, and Go Back
almost ALWAYS works,

guess what I kept and what I tossed.

If you guess that I kept Go Back and tossed SP 2, you win
the gold cigar!

I NEVER said, never HINTED that SP 2 would not be useful for
99 of 100 computer users.


"it doesn't work for M E !"

I even said why. I said, "too many incompatibilities with


That is absolutely NOT a plug for NOT using SP 2.


If you are having compatibility issues. If you are finding
this is trashed and that is trashed...

CHECK to see if what you NEED on YOUR system is having
conflicts with SP 2.

I BELIEVE that is a VALID argument whether you or Ken or
Mike do or not.

My explanation ALSO leaves the door open-- should the person
check the specs, and they find that they are NOT having
compatibility issues, then likely SP 2 WILL work just fine
for THEM!

I have NO CLUE how YOU or OTHERS use your machines. Nor do
you or does anyone else have a clue how I use MY machine.

"To each his own."

For ME SP 2 hasn't worked.


that said, I am at this very moment loading SP 2 again.
Enough has been said about some other issues that are
bugging me, that I am going to try it

one more time.

I also just before I did the download, did a System Set
Restore point.

IF I don't like how SP 2 works tomorrow or the next day, I
can take it off my system !

I am also backed up, in case I have to format. (what it came
to the last several times I tried SP 2.)

Good luck!



Talahasee said:
For ONE, I use Norton's Go Back system backup routines, for
those times when something unknown trashes my system. 9
times of 10, it works fine.

I have only gotten System Restore to work some 25 % of the
time, and I've heard similar reports from MANY who then
thanked me a week/ month later for referring them to
Norton's SysWorks 2003 "Go Back."

I noted after I loaded SP 2 that my Go Back no longer


After having this problem half-a-dozen times, I checked the
SP 2 documentation, and one of the programs it's not
compatible with is... you guessed it, Norton's Go Back.

Since I RARELY get System Restore to work, and Go Back
almost ALWAYS works,

guess what I kept and what I tossed.

If you guess that I kept Go Back and tossed SP 2, you win
the gold cigar!

I NEVER said, never HINTED that SP 2 would not be useful for
99 of 100 computer users.


"it doesn't work for M E !"

I even said why. I said, "too many incompatibilities with


That is absolutely NOT a plug for NOT using SP 2.


If you are having compatibility issues. If you are finding
this is trashed and that is trashed...

CHECK to see if what you NEED on YOUR system is having
conflicts with SP 2.

I BELIEVE that is a VALID argument whether you or Ken or
Mike do or not.

My explanation ALSO leaves the door open-- should the person
check the specs, and they find that they are NOT having
compatibility issues, then likely SP 2 WILL work just fine
for THEM!

I have NO CLUE how YOU or OTHERS use your machines. Nor do
you or does anyone else have a clue how I use MY machine.

"To each his own."

For ME SP 2 hasn't worked.


that said, I am at this very moment loading SP 2 again.
Enough has been said about some other issues that are
bugging me, that I am going to try it

one more time.

I also just before I did the download, did a System Set
Restore point.

IF I don't like how SP 2 works tomorrow or the next day, I
can take it off my system !

I am also backed up, in case I have to format. (what it came
to the last several times I tried SP 2.)

Good luck!


Norton sucks so it doesn't surprise me that you like it. You're a menace
to the 'Net by not having SP2 installed but, being as you're a selfish
twit, you don't care.


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