a more OO approach.



The class below uses the switch clause in the GetXSLT method. I want it to code it with a more OO approach does anyone have any suggestions, or change to make.


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace MetaData
/// <summary>
/// MessageController Class
/// This class is used to parse the ORE XML Messages, and identify which set of XSLT transforms to use to
/// process the XML to fill the ORE Message with meta data. Depending on the ORE XML Message an instance
/// of the DAOFacade class is instantiated and the retrieve method is called to access the DB Meta Repository
/// In order to start the process of reading debug strings you should do the following:
/// 1) Set the string XMLMessage property to the ORE XML Message.
/// 2) execute the MessageParser instance method, which instances GetXSLT method;
/// 3) register at least one event handler for the DebugData event;
/// 4) Depending on the Action value, Transform mehtod is executed and/or GetMetaData/ UpdateMetaData methods.
/// </summary>
public class MessageController
#region Constructor

public MessageController()
mstrXSLTDir = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["XSLTDir"];
mstrMetaConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MetaConnString"];

#region Variable Declarations
public static Hashtable xmlEntityCache = new Hashtable();
public static Hashtable xsltCache = new Hashtable();

private string mstrXmlMessage;
private string mstrDACMessage;
private string mstrEntityName;
private string mstrXSLTDir;
private string mstrMetaConn;
private string mstrAction;


#region Message Controller Properties
public string xmlAction
return mstrAction;
mstrAction = value;
public string xmlEntityName
return mstrEntityName;
mstrEntityName = value;
public string xmlInMessage
return mstrXmlMessage;
mstrXmlMessage = value ;

public string DACOutMessage
return mstrDACMessage;
mstrDACMessage = value ;

#region Message Parser Method
/// <summary>
/// Message Parser Method retrieves the values of the Entity and Action attributes
/// and uses property mstrXMLMessage to find the Action and Entity value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>XML message response as string</returns>
public string MessageParser()
XmlDataDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument();


XPathNavigator Nav = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator();

System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator ActionIterator = Nav.Select("//message/@action");
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator EntityIterator = Nav.Select("//message/Entity/@name");


mstrAction = ActionIterator.Current.Value.ToString();
//TODO: if Action is Retrieve then check cache for schemas, iterate through entities.

mstrEntityName = EntityIterator.Current.Value.ToString();

return GetXSLT();

#region Private Methods and Constructors

/// <summary>
/// Parses XML strings to Hashtable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityName"></param>
/// <returns>Values of elements in Hashtable</returns>
private bool ParseToHashtable(string entityName)
//return cached schema
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Entity Processor performs the main XSLT's and queries database to return schemas as
/// output to DAC or ORE
/// </summary>
/// <returns>XML String for DAC (Schema, DataSet)</returns>
/// <paramref name="No Parameters"/>
public string GetXSLT()
string result;
switch (mstrAction)
case "CreateEntity":

result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "createEntity_dac.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);

return result;

case "Create":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
return result;

case "Retrieve":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

MessageCache.SaveToFileCache(result, mstrEntityName);

return result;

case "Update":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

MessageCache.SaveToFileCache(result, mstrEntityName);

return result;

case "RetrieveSchema":

if (ParseToHashtable(mstrEntityName) == false)
return xmlEntityCache[mstrEntityName].ToString();
//DataSet dacresult meta query to get entity
//DataSet dacresult1 = new DataSet();
//dacresult1.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "oregetschemadac.xml");

result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "OreGetSchema.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

xmlEntityCache.Add(mstrEntityName, result);
return result;
return "error";

/// <summary>
/// Returns the xml node as a string of all the connection details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MetaConnString"></param>
/// <param name="DLLFileName"></param>
private void GetConnection(out string MetaConnString, out string DLLFileName)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "Provider_Types1.xml");

DLLFileName = doc.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/DataSource[IsMaster = -1]/FileName").InnerXml;
MetaConnString = doc.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/DataSource[IsMaster = -1]/ConnectionString").InnerXml;


private DataSet GetMetaDataSet()
//Transform entity dataset
string tmpEntityMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSetnew.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);

string tmpEntityMetaDataMessage = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSetMeta.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);

//Get entity dataset from DAC giving tmpEntityMetaData
DAOFacade daoentity = new DAOFacade();
DataSet EntityData = new DataSet();

EntityData = daoentity.RetrieveData(tmpEntityMetaData, tmpEntityMetaDataMessage);

//EntityData.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSet.xml");

//Transform entity dataset
string tmpAttributeMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSetnew.xslt", EntityData.GetXml().ToString());

string tmpAttributeMetaDataMessage = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSetMeta.xslt", EntityData.GetXml().ToString());

//Get Attribute dataset from DAC
DataSet AttribData = new DataSet();
DAOFacade daoattribute = new DAOFacade();
AttribData = daoattribute.RetrieveData(tmpAttributeMetaData, tmpAttributeMetaDataMessage);

//AttribData.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSet.xml");

//Merge Datasets (Entity and Attribute)

return EntityData;

catch(Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// Inserts entries into MetaData Store.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oreMessage"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataSet UpdateMetaData(string oreMessage)

//Transform entity dataset

// Transform ORE orignal message to create Meta DataSet to update MetaStore DB.
string tmpEntityMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "CreateEntity.xslt", oreMessage);

//Create new instance of a dataset that will hold the returned Entity/Attribute datatables.
DataSet EntityData = new DataSet();

//read the transformed xml in a StringReader
StringReader sr = new StringReader(tmpEntityMetaData);

//Fill the dataset with the stream contents.


//Create a new instance of the DAC facade

//Method call to update MetaStore.
string MetaConn;
string MetaDLLFile;
GetConnection(out MetaConn, out MetaDLLFile);

DAOFacade DAOIns = new DAOFacade();
DAOIns.UpdateDataSet(MetaDLLFile, MetaConn, EntityData);


return EntityData;
catch(Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry("UpdateMetaData", ex.Message);



#region XSLT Transform Method
/// <summary>
/// Main XSLT Transform Method static method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xsltName">Name of xslt file to use in the transform</param>
/// <param name="xmlMessage">xmlMessage to transfom</param>
/// <returns>XML transform string</returns>
public static string Transform(string xsltName, string xmlMessage)
//get the xml doc.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

XslTransform xslDoc = new XslTransform();

XsltArgumentList args=new XsltArgumentList();

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

xslDoc.Transform(xmlDoc,args,ms,new XmlUrlResolver());

ms.Position =0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();

return result;
catch(Exception ex)



Sent via Fuzzy Software @ http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET resources...

dilipdotnet at apdiya.com

Hello Chris,
From what I see from your code, all the code paths do the same thing
with different xslt files, so you could just get the xslt from the same
XML file that yr reading to determine the action and eliminate the
swtich. From an oo standpoint you could use a (abstract)factory pattern,
but in this case it may not be required.
Hope that helps

The class below uses the switch clause in the GetXSLT method. I want it to code it with a more OO approach does anyone have any suggestions, or change to make.


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace MetaData
/// <summary>
/// MessageController Class
/// This class is used to parse the ORE XML Messages, and identify which set of XSLT transforms to use to
/// process the XML to fill the ORE Message with meta data. Depending on the ORE XML Message an instance
/// of the DAOFacade class is instantiated and the retrieve method is called to access the DB Meta Repository
/// In order to start the process of reading debug strings you should do the following:
/// 1) Set the string XMLMessage property to the ORE XML Message.
/// 2) execute the MessageParser instance method, which instances GetXSLT method;
/// 3) register at least one event handler for the DebugData event;
/// 4) Depending on the Action value, Transform mehtod is executed and/or GetMetaData/ UpdateMetaData methods.
/// </summary>
public class MessageController
#region Constructor

public MessageController()
mstrXSLTDir = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["XSLTDir"];
mstrMetaConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MetaConnString"];

#region Variable Declarations
public static Hashtable xmlEntityCache = new Hashtable();
public static Hashtable xsltCache = new Hashtable();

private string mstrXmlMessage;
private string mstrDACMessage;
private string mstrEntityName;
private string mstrXSLTDir;
private string mstrMetaConn;
private string mstrAction;


#region Message Controller Properties
public string xmlAction
return mstrAction;
mstrAction = value;
public string xmlEntityName
return mstrEntityName;
mstrEntityName = value;
public string xmlInMessage
return mstrXmlMessage;
mstrXmlMessage = value ;

public string DACOutMessage
return mstrDACMessage;
mstrDACMessage = value ;

#region Message Parser Method
/// <summary>
/// Message Parser Method retrieves the values of the Entity and Action attributes
/// and uses property mstrXMLMessage to find the Action and Entity value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>XML message response as string</returns>
public string MessageParser()
XmlDataDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument();


XPathNavigator Nav = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator();

System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator ActionIterator = Nav.Select("//message/@action");
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator EntityIterator = Nav.Select("//message/Entity/@Name");


mstrAction = ActionIterator.Current.Value.ToString();
//TODO: if Action is Retrieve then check cache for schemas, iterate through entities.

mstrEntityName = EntityIterator.Current.Value.ToString();

return GetXSLT();

#region Private Methods and Constructors

/// <summary>
/// Parses XML strings to Hashtable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityName"></param>
/// <returns>Values of elements in Hashtable</returns>
private bool ParseToHashtable(string entityName)
//return cached schema
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Entity Processor performs the main XSLT's and queries database to return schemas as
/// output to DAC or ORE
/// </summary>
/// <returns>XML String for DAC (Schema, DataSet)</returns>
/// <paramref name="No Parameters"/>
public string GetXSLT()
string result;
switch (mstrAction)
case "CreateEntity":

result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "createEntity_dac.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);

return result;

case "Create":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
return result;

case "Retrieve":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

MessageCache.SaveToFileCache(result, mstrEntityName);

return result;

case "Update":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

MessageCache.SaveToFileCache(result, mstrEntityName);

return result;

case "RetrieveSchema":

if (ParseToHashtable(mstrEntityName) == false)
return xmlEntityCache[mstrEntityName].ToString();
//DataSet dacresult meta query to get entity
//DataSet dacresult1 = new DataSet();
//dacresult1.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "oregetschemadac.xml");

result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "OreGetSchema.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

xmlEntityCache.Add(mstrEntityName, result);
return result;
return "error";

/// <summary>
/// Returns the xml node as a string of all the connection details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MetaConnString"></param>
/// <param name="DLLFileName"></param>
private void GetConnection(out string MetaConnString, out string DLLFileName)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "Provider_Types1.xml");

DLLFileName = doc.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/DataSource[IsMaster = -1]/FileName").InnerXml;
MetaConnString = doc.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/DataSource[IsMaster = -1]/ConnectionString").InnerXml;


private DataSet GetMetaDataSet()
//Transform entity dataset
string tmpEntityMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSetnew.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);

string tmpEntityMetaDataMessage = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSetMeta.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);

//Get entity dataset from DAC giving tmpEntityMetaData
DAOFacade daoentity = new DAOFacade();
DataSet EntityData = new DataSet();

EntityData = daoentity.RetrieveData(tmpEntityMetaData, tmpEntityMetaDataMessage);

//EntityData.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSet.xml");

//Transform entity dataset
string tmpAttributeMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSetnew.xslt", EntityData.GetXml().ToString());

string tmpAttributeMetaDataMessage = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSetMeta.xslt", EntityData.GetXml().ToString());

//Get Attribute dataset from DAC
DataSet AttribData = new DataSet();
DAOFacade daoattribute = new DAOFacade();
AttribData = daoattribute.RetrieveData(tmpAttributeMetaData, tmpAttributeMetaDataMessage);

//AttribData.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSet.xml");

//Merge Datasets (Entity and Attribute)

return EntityData;

catch(Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// Inserts entries into MetaData Store.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oreMessage"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataSet UpdateMetaData(string oreMessage)

//Transform entity dataset

// Transform ORE orignal message to create Meta DataSet to update MetaStore DB.
string tmpEntityMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "CreateEntity.xslt", oreMessage);

//Create new instance of a dataset that will hold the returned Entity/Attribute datatables.
DataSet EntityData = new DataSet();

//read the transformed xml in a StringReader
StringReader sr = new StringReader(tmpEntityMetaData);

//Fill the dataset with the stream contents.


//Create a new instance of the DAC facade

//Method call to update MetaStore.
string MetaConn;
string MetaDLLFile;
GetConnection(out MetaConn, out MetaDLLFile);

DAOFacade DAOIns = new DAOFacade();
DAOIns.UpdateDataSet(MetaDLLFile, MetaConn, EntityData);


return EntityData;
catch(Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry("UpdateMetaData", ex.Message);



#region XSLT Transform Method
/// <summary>
/// Main XSLT Transform Method static method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xsltName">Name of xslt file to use in the transform</param>
/// <param name="xmlMessage">xmlMessage to transfom</param>
/// <returns>XML transform string</returns>
public static string Transform(string xsltName, string xmlMessage)
//get the xml doc.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

XslTransform xslDoc = new XslTransform();

XsltArgumentList args=new XsltArgumentList();

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

xslDoc.Transform(xmlDoc,args,ms,new XmlUrlResolver());

ms.Position =0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();

return result;
catch(Exception ex)



Sent via Fuzzy Software @ http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET resources...

Nick Malik

First, create an interface of type MessageAction. Give it a method of
Derive a series of classes from MessageAction, each one implementing one of
the different sections in your GetXSLT() routine below.
Create a factory method in MessageController that returns an object of type
"MessageAction" when provided with a string describing the action.
In the MessageAction classes, have them look to a config file to get the
name of the XSLT to use for each message action. Do this in the
constructor. This gives you more flexibility to create a new MessageAction.

MessageAction ma = this.CreateMessageAction(mstrAction);
return ma.GetXSLT(GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

--- Nick
P.S. I'm not sure what CreateEntity does, but it doesn't fit the pattern of
the rest. Is there something structurally different with this one?
You may have a design defect if you need to do something structurally
different in a class like this.

chrisybhoy said:
The class below uses the switch clause in the GetXSLT method. I want it
to code it with a more OO approach does anyone have any suggestions, or
change to make.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace MetaData
/// <summary>
/// MessageController Class
/// This class is used to parse the ORE XML Messages, and identify which
set of XSLT transforms to use to
/// process the XML to fill the ORE Message with meta data. Depending on
the ORE XML Message an instance
/// of the DAOFacade class is instantiated and the retrieve method is
called to access the DB Meta Repository
/// In order to start the process of reading debug strings you should do the following:
/// 1) Set the string XMLMessage property to the ORE XML Message.
/// 2) execute the MessageParser instance method, which instances GetXSLT method;
/// 3) register at least one event handler for the DebugData event;
/// 4) Depending on the Action value, Transform mehtod is executed and/or
GetMetaData/ UpdateMetaData methods.
/// </summary>
public class MessageController
#region Constructor

public MessageController()
mstrXSLTDir = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["XSLTDir"];
mstrMetaConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MetaConnString"];

#region Variable Declarations
public static Hashtable xmlEntityCache = new Hashtable();
public static Hashtable xsltCache = new Hashtable();

private string mstrXmlMessage;
private string mstrDACMessage;
private string mstrEntityName;
private string mstrXSLTDir;
private string mstrMetaConn;
private string mstrAction;


#region Message Controller Properties
public string xmlAction
return mstrAction;
mstrAction = value;
public string xmlEntityName
return mstrEntityName;
mstrEntityName = value;
public string xmlInMessage
return mstrXmlMessage;
mstrXmlMessage = value ;

public string DACOutMessage
return mstrDACMessage;
mstrDACMessage = value ;

#region Message Parser Method
/// <summary>
/// Message Parser Method retrieves the values of the Entity and Action attributes
/// and uses property mstrXMLMessage to find the Action and Entity value.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>XML message response as string</returns>
public string MessageParser()
XmlDataDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDataDocument();


XPathNavigator Nav = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator();

System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator ActionIterator = Nav.Select("//message/@action");
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator EntityIterator = Nav.Select("//message/Entity/@Name");


mstrAction = ActionIterator.Current.Value.ToString();
//TODO: if Action is Retrieve then check cache for schemas, iterate through entities.

mstrEntityName = EntityIterator.Current.Value.ToString();

return GetXSLT();

#region Private Methods and Constructors

/// <summary>
/// Parses XML strings to Hashtable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entityName"></param>
/// <returns>Values of elements in Hashtable</returns>
private bool ParseToHashtable(string entityName)
//return cached schema
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Entity Processor performs the main XSLT's and queries database to return schemas as
/// output to DAC or ORE
/// </summary>
/// <returns>XML String for DAC (Schema, DataSet)</returns>
/// <paramref name="No Parameters"/>
public string GetXSLT()
string result;
switch (mstrAction)
case "CreateEntity":

result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" +
"createEntity_dac.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);
return result;

case "Create":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" +
"DataSetFromDAC.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" +
"metamessage.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
return result;

case "Retrieve":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" +
"metamessage.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
MessageCache.SaveToFileCache(result, mstrEntityName);

return result;

case "Update":

//result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "DataSetFromDAC.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "metamessage.xslt",GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());

MessageCache.SaveToFileCache(result, mstrEntityName);

return result;

case "RetrieveSchema":

if (ParseToHashtable(mstrEntityName) == false)
return xmlEntityCache[mstrEntityName].ToString();
//DataSet dacresult meta query to get entity
//DataSet dacresult1 = new DataSet();
//dacresult1.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "oregetschemadac.xml");

result = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" +
"OreGetSchema.xslt", GetMetaDataSet().GetXml().ToString());
xmlEntityCache.Add(mstrEntityName, result);
return result;
return "error";

/// <summary>
/// Returns the xml node as a string of all the connection details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MetaConnString"></param>
/// <param name="DLLFileName"></param>
private void GetConnection(out string MetaConnString, out string DLLFileName)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "Provider_Types1.xml");

DLLFileName = doc.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/DataSource[IsMaster = -1]/FileName").InnerXml;
MetaConnString = doc.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/DataSource[IsMaster
= -1]/ConnectionString").InnerXml;

private DataSet GetMetaDataSet()
//Transform entity dataset
string tmpEntityMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\"
+ "EntityDataSetnew.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);
string tmpEntityMetaDataMessage = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir
+ "\\" + "EntityDataSetMeta.xslt", mstrXmlMessage);
//Get entity dataset from DAC giving tmpEntityMetaData
DAOFacade daoentity = new DAOFacade();
DataSet EntityData = new DataSet();

EntityData = daoentity.RetrieveData(tmpEntityMetaData, tmpEntityMetaDataMessage);

//EntityData.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "EntityDataSet.xml");

//Transform entity dataset
string tmpAttributeMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir +
"\\" + "AttributeDataSetnew.xslt", EntityData.GetXml().ToString());
string tmpAttributeMetaDataMessage =
MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" +
"AttributeDataSetMeta.xslt", EntityData.GetXml().ToString());
//Get Attribute dataset from DAC
DataSet AttribData = new DataSet();
DAOFacade daoattribute = new DAOFacade();
AttribData = daoattribute.RetrieveData(tmpAttributeMetaData, tmpAttributeMetaDataMessage);

//AttribData.ReadXml(mstrXSLTDir + "\\" + "AttributeDataSet.xml");

//Merge Datasets (Entity and Attribute)

return EntityData;

catch(Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// Inserts entries into MetaData Store.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oreMessage"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataSet UpdateMetaData(string oreMessage)

//Transform entity dataset

// Transform ORE orignal message to create Meta DataSet to update MetaStore DB.
string tmpEntityMetaData = MessageController.Transform(mstrXSLTDir + "\\"
+ "CreateEntity.xslt", oreMessage);
//Create new instance of a dataset that will hold the returned Entity/Attribute datatables.
DataSet EntityData = new DataSet();

//read the transformed xml in a StringReader
StringReader sr = new StringReader(tmpEntityMetaData);

//Fill the dataset with the stream contents.


//Create a new instance of the DAC facade

//Method call to update MetaStore.
string MetaConn;
string MetaDLLFile;
GetConnection(out MetaConn, out MetaDLLFile);

DAOFacade DAOIns = new DAOFacade();
DAOIns.UpdateDataSet(MetaDLLFile, MetaConn, EntityData);


return EntityData;
catch(Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry("UpdateMetaData", ex.Message);



#region XSLT Transform Method
/// <summary>
/// Main XSLT Transform Method static method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xsltName">Name of xslt file to use in the
transform said:
/// <param name="xmlMessage">xmlMessage to transfom</param>
/// <returns>XML transform string</returns>
public static string Transform(string xsltName, string xmlMessage)
//get the xml doc.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

XslTransform xslDoc = new XslTransform();

XsltArgumentList args=new XsltArgumentList();

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

xslDoc.Transform(xmlDoc,args,ms,new XmlUrlResolver());

ms.Position =0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();

return result;
catch(Exception ex)



Sent via Fuzzy Software @ http://www.fuzzysoftware.com/
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP &
ASP.NET resources...

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