A macro to color the cells according to the values existing in a c




Does anyone know if it is possible to do a macro that would automatically
color the rows RED( for example ) according to the values in a column ?

E.g. at col B, when the value is IN , the entire row would be colored blue.
when the value is OUT , the entire row would be colored red.


yes it is possible but based on your post, conditional formating might be a
better option.
in column B put the following 2 coditions
condition1...if cell value is = "in" set format to blue
condition2...if cell value is = "out" set format to red.
in all the other cell in the rows put the following 2 conditions
condition1...formula is =IF($B2="in",1,0) set format to blue
condition2...formula is =IF($B2="out",1,0) set format to red.

hope this helps

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