A list of software in Excel to show as header



I have a spreadsheet look as the following:

Name Title Dept Software
Annie Hall Clerk ACCT Adobe 7.0
Office 2003
MS Project 4.5
Tom Joans Analyst IT Adobe 7.0
Office 2000

What I would like to do is to take all the software name and show them as
header in a seperate spreadsheet. If a person has a software which already
exist in the header then it will not repeat the software name, instead it
will show yes under that header for that person. The other spreadsheet I am
trying to create will look like this:

Name Title Dept Adobe7.0 Office2003 MS Project4.5
Annie Hall Clerk ACCT Yes Yes Yes

Tom Joans Analyst IT Yes

Any new software belongs to a person will show on the header line.

I appreciate any help on this.


I would copy the sheet, then on the copy, select coluimns A:C and do Edit=>go
To special and select Blank cells. In your example, then A3 would be the
activecell. In the formula bar enter

and hit Ctrl+Enter rather than just enter.
This should fill up your white space. Now select A:C again and do
Edit=>copy, then Edit=>Paste Special and select values.

Now select the data and create a pivot table. Put Name, Title, Dept in as
row fields. Put in Software both as a Column Field and a Data field and in
the data field select count of.

This will give you the count laid out as you show.

YOu can then select the pivot table and do Edit=>Copy, Then Edit=>Paste
special and select values. This will eliminate the pivot table and leave
just the data. Select the data and do an Edit=>Replace and replace all 1's
with Yes.

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