"A data File did Not Close...." Outlook 2007



There must be a problem with Outlook 2007.....

I have reviewed ALL the entires in this Newsgroup that were entered
regarding the error message "A Data File did not close properly the last time
it was used and is being checked for problems".....etc. After I see this
message I never close Outlook until I see "The Data File Check is Complete".
I have a new PC and got this message the 1st time I opened Outlook to
retrieve new messages. I now get it about 25% of the time I open Outlook
2007. I am using my pst file that I had been using with Outlook 2002 on
another PC and never experienced a single problem. Trying to get this error
message to stop, I have 1) Run Scanpst (inbox Repair Tool), it shows NO
ERRORS. 2) I have made ALL Add-Ins "Inactive" (TOOLS/TRUST CENTER). 3) I
have disabled ALL Micro-Trend Scanning of all Incoming/Outgoing messages. 4)
I have created a NEW Profile. 5) I have checked Task Mgr after I close
Outlook...and Outlook.exe is NOT running (Processes tab).....and no other
software is shown as running (applications Tab). None of these actions has
stopped this error.

Given the number of entries regarding this error message in this Group,
there must be a problem with Outlook 2007.

I have seen other users write they have uninstalled and re-installed Outlook
and it has NOT resolved this problem. I know there are a lot of very smart
people reviewing these Newsgroup entries...as well as Microsoft
employees....and I am hoping someone has the Fix........


denmarfl said:
There must be a problem with Outlook 2007.....

I have reviewed ALL the entires in this Newsgroup that were entered
regarding the error message "A Data File did not close properly the last time
it was used and is being checked for problems".....etc. After I see this
message I never close Outlook until I see "The Data File Check is Complete".
I have a new PC and got this message the 1st time I opened Outlook to
retrieve new messages. I now get it about 25% of the time I open Outlook
2007. I am using my pst file that I had been using with Outlook 2002 on
another PC and never experienced a single problem. Trying to get this error
message to stop, I have 1) Run Scanpst (inbox Repair Tool), it shows NO
ERRORS. 2) I have made ALL Add-Ins "Inactive" (TOOLS/TRUST CENTER). 3) I
have disabled ALL Micro-Trend Scanning of all Incoming/Outgoing messages. 4)
I have created a NEW Profile. 5) I have checked Task Mgr after I close
Outlook...and Outlook.exe is NOT running (Processes tab).....and no other
software is shown as running (applications Tab). None of these actions has
stopped this error.

Given the number of entries regarding this error message in this Group,
there must be a problem with Outlook 2007.

I have seen other users write they have uninstalled and re-installed Outlook
and it has NOT resolved this problem. I know there are a lot of very smart
people reviewing these Newsgroup entries...as well as Microsoft
employees....and I am hoping someone has the Fix........


I am having the same problem with a new dell machine. I have been on the
phone for over 2 hours with them trying to resolve it. This error message
pops up on outlook nearly 100% of the time.
The main problem I have is that nothing (NOTHING) will delete. I can't
delete emails, can't move them to folders (i.e., if one accidentally goes to
my junk folder, I can't move it back out to another folder) can't delete/move
activities on the calendar. My husband and I have to "user" id's and he had
his outlook and I have mine. he is getting the "data file" message like I
am, but not having the "non-deleting" problem.
I'm told to use scanpst.exe, however, it is not in the location Microsoft
says it is. When Dell wanted to use it while we were on the phone, he said
it would delete all mails in the folders. I said that wasn't an option, but
now I'm desperate. My inbox, junk file, deleted folder and outbox are
completely filling up without a way to get rid of any of it.
Can anyone help?



Use the Search feature and do a Search for Scanpst.exe......I have a new
XPS420...and that file was included with the Dell Software load
(START/SEARCH....type Scanpst.exe). If by chance you still don't find it, go
to www.microsift.com and in any SEARCH block type Scanpst.exe....and you can
download this utility. I will tell you running this utility on my original
Data File did NOt correct my problem that is why I created a NEW
profile.....but....its certainly worth trying. I just feel with all those
that have reported similar problems that there is a problem with Outlook 2007
and hopefully Microsoft will one day get the fix out. What is even more
perplexing is you purchase the software....and you pay an extra charge for
it, and Microsoft won't provide any Free Support at all...and the Dell tech
Support team really are not educated in this area.

My problem was getting the error message...... I finally gave up and
created a new profile. I believe my problem had more to do with the
importing of my Outlook 2002 Data File into Outlook 2007. So when I need to
review my older messages, I just open the Original Data profile.


Thanks. I don't have scanpst.exe on my machine, for whatever reason. I will
try downloading at the microsoft site, but have my doubts that will be the
solution. I imported from my Outlook 2000 and my husband imported his from
2002. He is having no problems with not being able to delete anything, but
does also get the "data file" message.
Thanks for your help!

Brian Tillman

kbwarrior2 said:
Thanks. I don't have scanpst.exe on my machine, for whatever reason.

Did you look in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12 ?
I will try downloading at the microsoft site, but have my doubts that
will be the solution. I imported from my Outlook 2000 and my
husband imported his from 2002.

Never, EVER import from a previous version of Outlook. There is no need and
you can cause lots of problems. Moreover, you lose data. Create a new mail
profile and use the ORIGINAL PST.

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