A couple of Newbie Question, getting frustrated!



Hello all, any help is greatly accepted!

The background is, I am trying to make a database where the user only sees
my user forms when he/she loads access. Its going to have many modules, but
the first one is bascially a budget (which could be done in excel but I want
to learn access!).

I have one very quick question - at the bottom

If you bear with me, here is my table - schema and below i will post my

Job List
Job# (KEY)
Hourly Pay
Shift Style
Hours Per Day
Boss 1
Boss 2
Other Income
DO# (optional, RSPS)

Debts and Owing
Translist #
Amount (Total)
S. Date
E. Date
Amount Paid
Income/ EXP
Paid off?

Trans# (KEY)
Translist #

Possible Transact
Translist# (KEY)

So those are my tables. Now I was creating blank forms and using basically
VBA to control all my date. I found I can create a form directly from my
table, and it can sort and add recrords to the table much nicer then I had
set up!

My problem is the reletonships, for example.

I add a job to the "job list" table. I need it to create a record in the
debts and owing table to accoutn for this job and I cant get it to do that. I
tried setting a reletonship and no luck!.

Any tips?

John W. Vinson

Hello all, any help is greatly accepted!

The background is, I am trying to make a database where the user only sees
my user forms when he/she loads access. Its going to have many modules, but
the first one is bascially a budget (which could be done in excel but I want
to learn access!).

I have one very quick question - at the bottom

If you bear with me, here is my table - schema and below i will post my

Job List
Job# (KEY)
Hourly Pay
Shift Style
Hours Per Day
Boss 1
Boss 2

If one Job can have multiple Bosses, and (I presume) each Boss may be in
charge of multiple Jobs, then you have a many to many relationship and need a
new table: JobBoss, with fields Job# and BossID.
Other Income
DO# (optional, RSPS)

Debts and Owing
Translist #

Name is a reserved word and should not be used as the Name of a field.
Amount (Total)
S. Date
E. Date
Amount Paid
Income/ EXP
Paid off?

Trans# (KEY)
Translist #

Ditto for Date. Bad fieldname.
Possible Transact
Translist# (KEY)

Special characters - e.g. blank, #, (, ) - are (just barely) legal in
fieldnames but they should be avoided.
So those are my tables. Now I was creating blank forms and using basically
VBA to control all my date.

Ummm... do you have some reason for learning to swim in the deep end of the
pool? Sure, you can use unbound forms and VBA; it's VASTLY more difficult than
using bound forms. Perhaps you have a good reason to do so but it would help
if you would clarify what that reason is.
I found I can create a form directly from my
table, and it can sort and add recrords to the table much nicer then I had
set up!

My problem is the reletonships, for example.

I add a job to the "job list" table. I need it to create a record in the
debts and owing table to accoutn for this job and I cant get it to do that. I
tried setting a reletonship and no luck!.

Any tips?

Setting a relationship *PREVENTS* the addition of invalid data. It does not
automagically create new records in the child table when you create a record
in the parent table. Normally one would use a Form bound to the "one" side
table with a Subform bound to the "many" side table, using the linking field
as the master/child link field. For whatever reason you have chosen not to use
Access forms in their normal manner; by that choice, you must use VBA code on
a Recordset to manually create the child record when there is data to put into

It really looks like you're going to some lengths to make your job more
difficult than it already is!


Yes thank you, I see that now. I am much better with VBA then access, so I am
doing thnigs the hard way.

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