{=$A$4:$A$11*C5:J5} PleaseHelpW/ArrayFormula



I have A B C D E F G H I J
M CorrectAns
4: 1
1 1
5: 1 1 .707 0 -.707 -1 -.707 0 .707
1 .707
6: 0
0 0
7: 0
0 0
8: 0
0 0
9: 0
0 0
10: 0
0 0
11: 0
0 0

Column M has the answer I get w/Array Formula : {=$A$4:$A$11*C5:J5} pasted in
The answer I am looking for is

I have seen an example where the 1-d arrays are both vertical that is supposed
to work. I suspect somehow my answer is just the range $A$4:$A$11 !

Please Help me and I'll pray for you.

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