__event handler test: if (OnEventHandler) OnEventHandler(Myfunc);



I want to hook events handlers but need to test of any event handler is
assigned or not.

I need something like this:

__event void OnEventHandler(Myfunc)
if (OnEventHandler) OnEventHandler(Myfunc);
else DoMyFunction(Myfunc);

This "if (OnEventHandler)" does not get accepted by unmanaged C++ 2002.
Any tips how to test this?

In Delphi this was possible.

I do know that it is a list.
Maybe somthing like "if (OnEventHandler.Count>0)" could do the trick?


I want to hook events handlers but need to test of any event handler is
assigned or not.

I need something like this:

__event void OnEventHandler(Myfunc)
if (OnEventHandler) OnEventHandler(Myfunc);
else DoMyFunction(Myfunc);

One (dirty) sollution is:
if (__eventHandlerList_MyNameSpace_CMyClass_OnEventHandler) OnEventHandler(Myfunc);
else DoMyFunction(Myfunc);

Anyone have a better sollution?

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