

David W

Really not sure what the subject is but I will describe my thoughts.
I have got a list of names, associated with those names are employee badge
numbers, what I would like to do is when a employee quits, terminated, etc.
I would like to scroll through a list of names find their badge number and
delete it through code. Reason being is there have been times when a number
was accidentally delete, with code hopefully I can get their acknowledgment
of this before it ever happens. Also it would be handy if the need come to
relocate origin of the employee (which the number changes when that happens)



You could create a userform with a Combobox. Have the RowSource of the
combobox be set to the column-range of your employee names. You can make
this a self-expanding named range so that you don't have to constantly set
the rowsource.

The combobox makes it easier because it automatically scrolls to the name in
the list as you type.

Than you can have code behind the form to clearcontents of the cell or
delete the row (depending on which you after.

The row number should be = to Combobox1.ListIndex + 1

Post back if you need more help.


David W

Never have done a user form and combo boxes before. Can you shed some light
on this.

Tom Ogilvy

Have you looked at the built in Form under the Data menu.

I assume your data starts in row 1 with header information.

Click the header and do Data=>Form.

this will allow you to navigate through your data table and make changes or
delete data.

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