811493 security Update...



I downloaded the 811493 security Update over ten times
using the automatic and manual downloads and it says each
time that it went in successfully but when I go to the
Windows update page and see what updates I need ,It tells
me that I need to update the 811493 security Update
again..somehow,it's not recognising the
installation?????..not sure how to fix this,any help
would be appreciated.thanx in advance----->jim


Follow the suggestions outlined in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

Windows Update Site Lists Updates That You Already Installed

Visit the Windows Update newsgroup and read the messages
posted there for helpful troubleshooting tips.

The "Official" Windows Update newsgroup:



| I downloaded the 811493 security Update over ten times
| using the automatic and manual downloads and it says each
| time that it went in successfully but when I go to the
| Windows update page and see what updates I need ,It tells
| me that I need to update the 811493 security Update
| again..somehow,it's not recognising the
| installation?????..not sure how to fix this,any help
| would be appreciated.thanx in advance----->jim


thanx Nicholas,
I'll give it a try...........
-----Original Message-----
Follow the suggestions outlined in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

Windows Update Site Lists Updates That You Already Installed

Visit the Windows Update newsgroup and read the messages
posted there for helpful troubleshooting tips.

The "Official" Windows Update newsgroup:
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.windowsupdat e

| I downloaded the 811493 security Update over ten times
| using the automatic and manual downloads and it says each
| time that it went in successfully but when I go to the
| Windows update page and see what updates I need ,It tells
| me that I need to update the 811493 security Update
| again..somehow,it's not recognising the
| installation?????..not sure how to fix this,any help
| would be appreciated.thanx in advance----->jim

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