800x600 screen resolution



Hi - I see a lot of web sites that are smaller in page size than ours. We
use shared borders and I would like to center my pages. I notice a lot of
sites use a singular color as a backdrop to their main/web pages, as if the
home page for example is sitting a plain coloered back page. I saw on
StatCounter.com that a good page size is 800x600 screen resolution. Does
anyone know hwo to set the page size to that when you use shared borders -
and center the pages?

Thank you for your help! Chris

Thomas A. Rowe

Unless you use CSS, it is not possible to center a page using Shared Borders. Suggest you give up
shared borders and use the FP Include Page component with tables or if using FP2003, looking into
using Dynamic Web Templates with a table.

Your table is needs to be set 100% if you want to fill the browser window or 750 pixels centered.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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