5703 definitions available (?) :)



Sorry Bill, I can't get it either. I've not had many difficulties with this
beta, but right now, mine says it's current at 5701. I don't imagine MS
would stoop to an April Fool's joke, do you??? <G>


OK, so I always respond to my own messages....I followed the directions by
Henry Habermacher posted on the .signatures group and now I have 5703, but
it's dated 03/26/05. Hmmmm. Don't have a clue as to what this all means,
but I'll keep watching and see what others have to say. Guess that's the
fun of beta products and reading these groups. ;<}

Bill Sanderson

Thanks - very interesting. That (I assume I used the same method you did)
worked for me too.

What I did:

Stop Microsoft antispyware via the system tray icon.
navigate to the installation folder and do dir *,gcd /os to see the largest
files last.

delete the largest two .GCD files (I could have gone by the KB article that
shows which files are the definitions, but this one is easy to remember)

Restarted Microsoft Antispyware, and presto--5703.

Antoninus Pius

me said:
I just checked by clicking File > Check for Updates and
now I have 5703

I wasn't able to get 5703 so I just uninstalled, ran Norton Windoctor,
reinstalled and ran File|Update and had 5703.

Bill Sanderson

Yeah--I've now seen a couple of routine updates, so it must be must my home

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