48-bit color crashes explorer and photoshop


Chris Hill

I have a Dimage slide scanner which will produce 48-bit
colour files which can be processed in Photoshop CS.

When saving these files and having the save dialog
showing the files as Tiles (which it tends to do), if
there are (some) files in 48-bit colour, an error occurs
and Photoshop closes, losing the file.
ERROR : Faulting application photoshop.exe, version, faulting module gdiplus.dll, version 5.1.3101.0,
fault address 0x001274e9.

Similarly, in Explorer showing the folder is Tiles,
Explorer will crash.
ERROR : Faulting application explorer.exe, version
6.0.2800.1106, faulting module ntdll.dll, version
5.1.2600.1217, fault address 0x0003353b.

I suspect the problem within GDIplus.dll and number of
different colour shades in the file.

Is there a fix for this.

(e-mail address removed)



I also had a problem with Photoshop CS crashing when I was saving 48-bit
images. My problem occurred however with larger (over 50 meg) files in
saving to a different location from where they were retrieved.

If I saved the file in it's original location and then used Windows Explorer
to move/rename then I was fine.

Try the Adobe Photoshop forum if you need more.

Gary G

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