45 day payment



I need a way to enter a date (06/20/11) and have excel compute 45
days from that date and give a date of the nearest Monday to that
date. Thursday or earlier would go back to that weeks Monday date and
Friday or later would go to the upcoming Monday after that date.
How would I do that?


I need a way to enter a date (06/20/11)  and have excel
compute 45 days from that date and give a date of the
nearest Monday to that date. Thursday or earlier would
go back to that weeks Monday date and friday or later
would go to the upcoming Monday after that date.

If A1 contains the base date (6/20/2011), one way is:


formatted as Date.

Claus Busch

Hi Rudy,

Am Mon, 20 Jun 2011 06:08:57 -0700 (PDT) schrieb Rudyeb:
I need a way to enter a date (06/20/11) and have excel compute 45
days from that date and give a date of the nearest Monday to that
date. Thursday or earlier would go back to that weeks Monday date and
Friday or later would go to the upcoming Monday after that date.

your Date in A1. Then try this:

Claus Busch

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