4 ide devices on a mobo that only has one UltraDMA port



1 x UltraDMA 133/100

Is it possible to connect

4 ide devices on a mobo that only has 1 x UltraDMA 133/100 interface?

Can you get a card to fit into a pci expansion slot that will work and
not conflict with the onboard UltraDMA 133/100?

I will be using the sata-ii port for my hard disc.

am I asking for something difficult or is this just simple stuff?


Rod Speed

Nospam said:
1 x UltraDMA 133/100
Is it possible to connect 4 ide devices on a mobo that only has 1 x UltraDMA 133/100 interface?

Can you get a card to fit into a pci expansion slot that will work and not conflict with the
onboard UltraDMA 133/100?

I will be using the sata-ii port for my hard disc.

So why do you need 4 IDE devices ?
am I asking for something difficult or is this just simple stuff?

Some of those pci cards dont handle optical drives that well.


Rod Speed said:
So why do you need 4 IDE devices ?

I am replacing my old PC which has motherboard problems and transferring
some parts into the new system.

IDE1 = DVD-RW drive

IDE2 = CD-RW drive (I know the DVD writer will also do cdrw but I have
the drive so I might as well use it.)

IDE3 = standard (cheap) CD-ROM, this will get thrashed by my son playing
his games. I don't want him trashing the DVD-RW drive. This drive is
basically disposable.

IDE4 = my old hard drive with all my data.
If necessary I will just connect it long enough to transfer the data to
the SATA drive.
Some of those pci cards dont handle optical drives that well.

Thanks for the info.

Rod Speed

I am replacing my old PC which has motherboard problems and transferring some parts into the new

Yeah, I assumed that was the case.
IDE1 = DVD-RW drive
IDE2 = CD-RW drive (I know the DVD writer will also do cdrw but I have the drive so I might as
well use it.)

That doesnt make any sense when you have a shortage of IDE ports.
Makes no sense to be bying a pci card so you can keep using that.
IDE3 = standard (cheap) CD-ROM, this will get thrashed by my son playing his games. I don't want
him trashing the DVD-RW drive. This drive is basically disposable.

You can make a case that the DVD-RW
drives are that now, they're so cheap now.

Again, it makes no sense to be buying a pci card to allow that.
IDE4 = my old hard drive with all my data.
If necessary I will just connect it long enough to transfer the data to the SATA drive.

That's what I'd do, connect it temporarily to move the data
over, have a couple of optical drives on the IDE controller
or have the DVD-RW drive and that hard drive on it.


Rod Speed said:
Yeah, I assumed that was the case.

That doesnt make any sense when you have a shortage of IDE ports.
Makes no sense to be bying a pci card so you can keep using that.


the original mobo I had in mind has 2 ide ports.

But after lots and lots of looking around I picked a mobo which had WiFi
1394 etc., I failed to notice that it only had one ide port.

Focused too much on the other stuff

I think I will go for ide 1 DVD-RW
ide 2 cdrom for my son to trash

and just transfer the data over from my ide hard disc.

I hate having a perfectly good disc just sitting there doing nothing,
but technology moves on.

Thanks for the advice.

`AMD tower

you could buy a case for your old drive, and make an exteranl drive out of
it. I think they can be found for about $25 or so. At least you'll be
still using your drive this way.


`AMD tower <[email protected]> said:
you could buy a case for your old drive, and make an exteranl drive out of
it. I think they can be found for about $25 or so. At least you'll be
still using your drive this way.


that is what I'm going to do now. I can then use it as a big pen stick
to take stuff to and from work.


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