32 bit color



my friends Win XP pro computer is stuck in 32 bit color mode, but he needs 64
bit. how can he fix it?

Mike Williams

bouldercrazy said:
my friends Win XP pro computer is stuck in 32 bit color mode, but he needs 64
bit. how can he fix it?

Does he have a graphics card that supports 64 bit color?


yes, because his old hard drive died, and he replaced it, but he used to be
able to have 64 bit color. now he cant use it

Bob I

Then he will need to install the video card drivers from the
manufacturer that provide 64 bit color.

Bruce Chambers

bouldercrazy said:
yes, because his old hard drive died, and he replaced it, but he used to be
able to have 64 bit color. now he cant use it


Has he tried installing the video card manufacturer's
WinXP-specific drivers for the computer's video adapter?


Bruce Chambers

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