2003 to 2000 CSV compatiblity issues



I have a 2003 excel CSV file from work that I need to open with my home copy
of 2000 excel. 2000 wont open the file so I opened it with notepad and saved
it as text hoping to simply import the base text into 2000.The problem seems
to be the way the two programs handle carraige returns within the csv. I use
alot of forced carraige returns to make HTML readable within my files. 2003
saves and reads a direct carraige return as a forced carraige return as long
as it's enclosed within the quotes. However, 2000 saves and reads the text
equivilent of a return, that little boxy character. Help?


Excel 2003 CSV:

A,B,C,"D is a complex
<P>Html String</P>",E

Excel 2000 CSV:

A,B,C,"D is a complex@<P>Html String</P>",E

@ is not the actuall symbol since I can't actually put it in due to usenet
reading it as a carriage return. But the actuall symbol is that tall boxy one.

When I import the 2003 .txt it reads the return as a new row instead of a
forced line break within the cell. Which completely messes up my sheet.


I don't understand why you are saving the file as CSV from work - why
not just save it as an .xls file, then both versions should be able to
open it?

Hope this helps.



This does seem like it would fix my issues. Unfortunately I don't have access
to my work CPU. If I'm just stuck then that's okay. Thanks for the help.


This still doesn't explain why you are using .CSV (or .TXT). Why not
just use a normal Excel workbook format, i.e. filename.xls?


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