2003 macro not functioning correctly in 2007



i had a macro to create a blank comment, without wasting space with my
name in it, leaving it open for me to enter text.

when i installed 2007 it it doesn't operate correctly anymore. 1st it
places a blank comment but doesn't stay open for me enter text. and 2. it
moves the cell down one space.

i did try to record a new macro, but macro record won't accept a stop
recording command with a blank comment open.

any ideas on how i can get the past macro to function properly again, or how
i can get excel to accept the recording of a new macro?

Don Guillett

I just created this in 2003 and saved as .xls. Opened in xl2007>saved as
..xlsx file. Worked fine in both xl2003 as and .xls and in 2007 as either.

Sub addcomment()
With Range("M24")
.Comment.Visible = False
'use this line to take out the name
.Comment.Text Text:="" & Chr(10) & ""
'use this line to add text. Line above NOT necessary when using line below
.Comment.Text Text:="Hi There"
End With
End Sub


don, thanks for the code. it does just as you say. i makes a comment with
"hi there" at a certain cell. i want to have a comment open, blank, with
cursor in it, ready to enter text, at the cell that is highlighted when i
click the macro. here is the code that worked in 2003, but doesn't in 2007:

Sub CommentAddOrEditTNR()

'adds TimesNewRoman comment or positions

'cursor at end of existing comment text

Dim cmt As Comment

Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment

If cmt Is Nothing Then

ActiveCell.AddComment Text:=""

Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment

With cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font

.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Size = 11

.Bold = False

.ColorIndex = 0

End With

End If

SendKeys "%ie~"

End Sub


Don Guillett said:
I just created this in 2003 and saved as .xls. Opened in xl2007>saved as
.xlsx file. Worked fine in both xl2003 as and .xls and in 2007 as either.

Sub addcomment()
With Range("M24")
.Comment.Visible = False
'use this line to take out the name
.Comment.Text Text:="" & Chr(10) & ""
'use this line to add text. Line above NOT necessary when using line
.Comment.Text Text:="Hi There"
End With
End Sub

Don Guillett

The trick is to add the text FIRST by using an inputbox. Sendkeys is VERY
unreliable. I am available as a consultant/developer.

Sub addcomment1()
mymsg = InputBox("Add text now")
'MsgBox mymsg
With ActiveCell
.Comment.Visible = False
.Comment.Text Text:=mymsg
End With
End Sub

or even better

Sub addcomment1()
With ActiveCell
..Comment.Visible = False
..Comment.Text Text:=InputBox("Add text now")
End With
End Sub

Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
jeffrey said:
don, thanks for the code. it does just as you say. i makes a comment with
"hi there" at a certain cell. i want to have a comment open, blank, with
cursor in it, ready to enter text, at the cell that is highlighted when i
click the macro. here is the code that worked in 2003, but doesn't in

Sub CommentAddOrEditTNR()

'adds TimesNewRoman comment or positions

'cursor at end of existing comment text

Dim cmt As Comment

Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment

If cmt Is Nothing Then

ActiveCell.AddComment Text:=""

Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment

With cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font

.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Size = 11

.Bold = False

.ColorIndex = 0

End With

End If

SendKeys "%ie~"

End Sub


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