(2002) Autonumber jumping erratically



I have a database that has been replicated, with two users entering data on
local replicas and synchronising with the parent dbase on a server. The
Autonumber function in several tables has started jumping around, not
assigning consecutive numbers for new entries. One edit of existing data has
caused the Autonumber entry for that record to *change* to a large negative
number. I'm okay with Autonumber being completely random, but I was under
the impression that the numbers were issued consecutively (randomness will
change how I organize some searches...)

Does this sound like "normal" behavior for a replicated database? If not,
any suggestions? I have tried compacting the database but these oddities

thanks -

Douglas J Steele

Yes, that's normal for replicated databases, and you cannot change it. The
idea is to ensure that you can add records in multiple databases, so using
random autonumbers minimizes the risk of two databases using the same value.


Thanks Doug. I suspected that was the case, but the negative numbers really
threw me for a loop.

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