2 security questions



First off, I am very new to ASP.NET, please excuse my ignorance if I am
asking the obvious.

All forms authentication examples I have seen so far either use
userid/password info in the web.config file or validate it against the
database. If the user is authenticated, an authentication ticket is
created, encrypted, and stored in a cookie. Then every page decrypts the
ticket, checks the roles to confirm it should have access to this page.

This brings to mind 2 questions:

Q1. Instead of validating on every page, why not simply place the ticket
validation in an HTTPModule and redirect to the requested page or the login
page? Then any web-app, could basically; add the DB tables, Login page, and
new HTTPModule for instant security functionality. This is so simple, I
have to wonder if I've completely missed something, or it's a current
functionality in ASP.NET, and I just haven't seen it yet.

Q2. I want to make user, role, and permission maintenance available to the
administrator online. This would require a very simple object model and a
few simple pages. This is the type of thing that is pretty generic and
common. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so does anybody know where I
could find these pages/objects?

Thanks in advance.



Scott Mitchell [MVP]

Q1. Instead of validating on every page, why not simply place the ticket
validation in an HTTPModule and redirect to the requested page or the login
page? Then any web-app, could basically; add the DB tables, Login page, and
new HTTPModule for instant security functionality. This is so simple, I
have to wonder if I've completely missed something, or it's a current
functionality in ASP.NET, and I just haven't seen it yet.

Erm, this is *precisely* how the Forms Authentication piece of ASP.NET
works. See the class System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule, and
note how in the machine.config there's the registration of this HTTP Module:

<add name="FormsAuthentication"
Q2. I want to make user, role, and permission maintenance available to the
administrator online. This would require a very simple object model and a
few simple pages. This is the type of thing that is pretty generic and
common. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so does anybody know where I
could find these pages/objects?

There's an article Darren Neimke [http://weblogs.asp.net/dneimke/] and I
wrote on this topic:

It doesn't provide a complete, pre-built solution, but it does have
plenty of code snippets that should move you in the right direction.



Scott Mitchell
(e-mail address removed)

* When you think ASP.NET, think 4GuysFromRolla.com!

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