2-page PPT slide show view



I am working on a project for an organization to create an employee photo
album. They want brief description of dept. on one page and employee
pictures on the one next to it - both pages visable at the same time. Any


artym said:
I am working on a project for an organization to create an employee photo
album. They want brief description of dept. on one page and employee
pictures on the one next to it - both pages visable at the same time. Any

Natively PPT can not do this. What can be done is to split the slide (not
called pages in PPT) and put the information on the left and the pictures on
the right of the same slide. As a matter of fact there are Text and content
layouts that may suffice.

There are programs that can run two ppt slide shows at the same time. You
can Google for them. One that has been mentioned before on this ng is
PowerShow (I have no knowledge of it's usefulness but it's web site is:

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