2 easy questions for someone better with Excel then me...lol



I'm using Excel 2002 and not very good at it yet...lol. So any help would be

I have a spreadsheet where I have a list of people in column G and
corresponding numbers in column H.

I have a separate list of numbers in column E.

Question #1:
I need to figure out how to enter a formula in a cell that automatically
counts the entries/names in G11-G19. I know I can count entries of numbers
by =COUNT (G11:G19), but It won't work for this so I assume their is a
different formula to use when you want to count names. What would that be?

Question #2
I have a cell that automatically enters the lowest entry (in $$$) from
column E by using =MIN(E11:E19). But now I need to be able to have this cell
enter the amount that corresponds with the lowest entry in column G. So if
there are 4 entries in column G (G11,G12,G13,G14) then I need a formula that
will automatically enter what ever is entered in E14 (even if E14 is

What formula can I use to enter which ever E cell is on the same row as the
lowest G cell entered from G11-G19?

I hope I explained all that well enough for you to follow.

Thanks in advance !!!


Thank you JE,

The 1st answer solved that issue, thanks.

The 2nd one didn't work. I don't need to determine the lowest number in the
E column any longer. I simply need to have the cell determine the lowest
entry (of names) in the range of G11-G19 and show what is in the
corresponding row from the E column.

So if there were 5 names entered in the G column (in G11,G12,G13,G14,G15)
the cell would then need to show what was in E15 as that would be the row
that corresponds with the lowest name entered in the G column.

Thanks again for the help.

Don Guillett

One way is to match what is not possible to get the row.

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