2 Copies of XP Pro!



I have today been speaking with a microsoft representative who has helped me
through an install of XP Pro. Problem being, there was already one copy on
there, so, I now have two copies. Is there any way in which I can transfer
the data (music, pics, other files) from the old copy to the new copy without
the use of an external hard drive?


Elly said:
I have today been speaking with a microsoft representative who has helped me
through an install of XP Pro. Problem being, there was already one copy on
there, so, I now have two copies. Is there any way in which I can transfer
the data (music, pics, other files) from the old copy to the new copy without
the use of an external hard drive?

Yes, On removable storage like CD/DVD/Zip Floppy if your Computer have
these Features.
But are you installing each copy on it's own partition or you have Dual Boot
from the same Copy?.
Let us know.


I wonder why you were advised to do a new install and not a repair install,
if indeed the representative understood your question, or you followed the
instructions correctly.
In Internet explorer copy your old My Documents data to the new My Documents
You may have to take ownership http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308421/en-us
There is no requirement for an external drive

Of course after all this you would need to delete the old Win folder, how
you do this depends on what happens when you boot up, ie are you given the
option to select the o/s?


Thanks for your replies. I am given the option to select which os I use on
boot up yes. How can I guarantee that all my files are kept though?


You can guarantee recovery by using your backups, but then you probably dont
have any.
The default location for docs is My Documents, however a user could have
stored them any where so only you know where you stored them, and indeed
what they are

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