1st, 2nd, 3rd Place etc.....



I have an idea how to do this but it requires a series of
nested ifs and i'm sure there is a better way......in
column A i have a list of names, column B is their scores
and in C i would like to rank them in 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc....
any ideas????

(thanks in advance)


Hi John

Have a look at Excel's "RANK" formula
eg =RANK(B1,B1:B25,1)



(e-mail address removed)

| I have an idea how to do this but it requires a series of
| nested ifs and i'm sure there is a better way......in
| column A i have a list of names, column B is their scores
| and in C i would like to rank them in 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc....
| any ideas????
| (thanks in advance)

Aladin Akyurek

I suspect that you want to create a Top N list, with N set to 3...

Let A2:B9 house, including the labels Name and Score:


The foregoing just shows sample records, where each record consists of a
row of two cells.

In C2 enter & copy down:


This calculates a unique rank based on the scores.

In D1 enter: 3

which indicates that you want a Top 3 list.

In D2 enter: Top N

which is just a label.

In D3 enter & copy down:


This builds a Top N list of names. Note that this formula refers to $E$1
that houses a formula.



which must be confirmed with control+shift+enter instead of just usual

This formula calculates the ties of the Nth (3rd) value itself.

In E2 enter: Associated Score

which is just a label.

In E3 enter & copy down:


The results are for the sample data are:



Be careful !

That third argument ( ,1 ) *may* not be necessary.

Will rank the *highest* score as number "1".

Will rank the *lowest* score as number "1" (golf).

Aladin Akyurek

I don't think so...

In cell D1, the N of Top N can be set to any desired value the data
admits. <bg>



IF your wish to separate by Gender (Male/Female).

D4: =SUM((B4=$B$4:$B$100)*(C4>$C$4:$C$100))
Confirm the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter not just Enter.

Conditional Formatting can give you two colors.
(To be incl. in the suggestions above.)


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